My flagship app that took months to make was rejected for spam, then accepted, updated several times no problem and then suddenly rejected again for spam. Made no sense. Then I appealed it and have been waiting 3 weeks already. Is this even normal? I really regret paying the membership fee since I've had nothing out of it so far.
App Review
RSS for tagUnderstand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
I have submitted two apps and both have been pending for a week. I usually get a response within 24 hours. Is this happening to anyone else? how did you solve it?
Hey there, looking for advice. I am trying to figure out more details as to why my app is rejected.
They say:
4.3 Spam
(a)ASR & NR Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase.
I know this is a unique app, I have spent several years developing it.
When I got rejected the first time, I decided to spend time and re-design the interface such as removing my tab bar navigation structure and making it a hamburger re-designing the GUI to have a cleaner look etc -- even redesigning my login screen.
Still rejected for 4.3(a) Spam.
Our content is completely unique and I can't get anything else other than
The issues we previously identified still need your attention.
If you have any questions, we are here to help. Reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know."
Some examples of our old vs new. The new alone should be evidence this was a unique binary and not a template...
So very confused on what to do next... Please anyone help. Any advice is appreciated.
The image with the 3 screenshots is the old. 5 is the new.
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Review
Hi everyone,
I understand that Apple is cracking down on generic dating apps, and I totally agree that the App Store is full of low-effort clones. However, our app is a legitimate business with a real user base actively requesting an app version.
Been operational since 2020 and serves users in Australia, the US, Canada, and Brazil, with over 57,000 monthly active users (MAUs). This isn’t a reskinned template or a quick-fix dating app—it’s an extension of a platform that users already trust and rely on.
Our unique features include:
Disappearing Photos & Voice Notes – Messages auto-delete after being viewed for better privacy.
Private Galleries with Revocable Access – Users can share and revoke access to private albums anytime.
We explained these points in our App Review Notes, but Apple keeps rejecting the app with the same template response about "duplicate content in a saturated category."
Has anyone successfully overcome this type of rejection for a dating app? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Our app is in early stages of development. The app will include a portion of the content/functionality for free and will also have premium content (non-consumable).
The intent is to offer purchase via 2 distinct pathways.
for individuals: in-app one-time purchase
for enterprise customers: bulk purchase for their employees who can subsequently gain access to the content using an invitation code within the app.
Section 3.1.3(c) of the App Review Guidelines begins with "If your app is only sold directly by you to organizations or groups for their employees or students..."
Is it permitted under the App Review Guidelines to provide in-app purchasing for individuals as well as a pathway for enterprise clients to purchase for their employees or students?
Additionally, is it permissible within the app to indicate to an individual user that an enterprise method is available to purchase access as an organization?
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Review
In-App Purchase
Business and Enterprise
my game was rejected multiple times and marked as spam. I don't think it's a spam game, so I sent an appeal around 3 weeks ago and I still haven't received any response from Apple. I don't have experience with appeals, so I would like to know if my appeal was received and how long should I wait?
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Review
Hi everyone.
My app "FriendActivity for Spotify" is a third party app that uses the Spotify API. As such, I need the user to log into their Spotify account. This has been going well for 3 years, but today, I got rejected trying to push an update.
The reason is: "Unable to log in with an Apple account". This is because if you attempt to log in with an Apple account that isn't connected to a Spotify account, Spotify sends you back to the login screen, stating that no account associated with your Apple ID was found.
I understand that the Apple store reviewers want a smooth experience where it should have automatically created a Spotify account, but this is out of my hands. It is completely unreasonable that my app is held up but the official Spotify app as well as the 1000s of third party apps are on the store, considering all of us share the same login flow decided by Spotify. It is completely irrational. I have replied with similar messages on the App review page, but the store reviewer keeps sending me the same rejection, copy pasted. I truly do not know what to do. This update was an urgent bugfix, as my user's haven't been able to access my app for the past week.
Any suggestions recommended.
For the last 2 years, our team at Panda has had one goal in mind: to change the failing connection application industry. The business model is severely flawed - evidenced in decline of users in match group etc (all public info).
We are building the only connections app in the market without paid features – "We Don't Play Games”. This in itself revolutionizes a space which currently commodifies human connection; true connections aren’t forged through super-likes, platinum memberships and such pay-to-win models, where users that don’t pay are unfairly disadvantaged.
Key Differentiators:
Never having paid features
50/50 Male-Female Ratio: Our app will ensure a balanced male-to-female ratio, something not found in other apps, especially in countries like India, where dating apps are dominated by men. This helps create a healthier, more equitable user experience for all genders. In a country like India, how can any connections app succeed with 99.9% men and 0.1% women?
Panda Duos: A first-of-its-kind feature where two sets of best friends can match with each other – an industry-first that no other major connections app offers.
These elements, along with the app's core ethos, make Panda unique in an otherwise saturated market. The traditional models used by Match Group/Bumble are failing, as shown in their earnings reports, because they rely on a pay-to-win approach that doesn't deliver real value.
Given these unique aspects, having received 4,550+ pre sign-ups, and our backing by a top VC, we strongly believe that Panda will offer an entirely different experience to users and remake a failing industry.
This is not what Apple stands for, goes against fairness, and undermines the trust and respect that it should have as the only app store for iOS phones.
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Review
App Store
App Review
3/6 - I submitted an app and it was rejected for hidden functionality.
3/7 - I replied in App Store Connect to clarify my app.
3/11 - I followed up in App Store Connect.
3/15 - I submitted a Developer Support Ticket
3/16 - I received a reply from Developer Support that said the App Store is working on it.
I'm not sure if 2 weeks is a long time to wait for an appeal or not. Am I being impatient or should I have heard something by now?
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Review
Hello, our app's recent update was rejected several times and we received a pending terminted notice. We appealed on the 25th of last month. We have not received a response yet.
Hello everyone:
we are developing a medical app which provides medications records and taking medication reminders, the user can read medical articles related with their health. When submitting the app, it was rejected and reported the app violates 1.4.1 Physical Harm, the response listed two snapshot images, I read "1.4.1 Physical Harm", and I don't think the functions in the snapshot violate the rule, but the response didn't provide more text explanation, and I was unable to get more feedback, so I want to get help from the community.
The first snapshot is a medical article displaying in the app's webView(the articles link is link), we don't create any articles or modify articles, the app only display the web page in webView(via web link), the user can view the article source easily and can open it in system browser by clicking the link icon on the top right corner. Does this violate "Physical harm guideline"? what I can make improvement is: not display the article in app's webview, and launch the system browser to show the web page directly, but I think the UI interaction is not good.
The second snapshot is an introduction screen of our new AI service in website, this screen don't have any medical information or medication decisions, it is rather like an advertisement, I don't think it violates the "Physical harm guideline".
Does anyone have similar experience? and give me some suggestions?
Thank you!
I have submitted an update for my app. Typically, my app reviews take less than 24 hours, but this time, it has been stuck "In Review" for several days. I have also tried resubmitting the app multiple times, but the status remains unchanged. Is there anyone who is experiencing the same issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Review
App Store
App Review
App Submission
App store rejecting my App's new version for screenshot from last version of App. I have Already updated all screenshots for newer version. even-though apple pointing me with error for old version screenshot. Strange. How to resolve this?
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Review
"I'm seeking clarity on potential upcoming mandatory compliance requirements from Apple, specifically concerning apps that function as 'issuer apps' on iOS. An 'issuer app' in this context refers to applications that:
Issue payment cards (e.g., credit, debit, prepaid) for use with Apple Pay.
Provision digital credentials (e.g., digital IDs, transit passes) either manually or within the app itself.
My question is: Has Apple announced or mandated any specific compliance changes that these issuer apps must adhere to by June 30, 2025, to maintain continued support for Apple Pay, Apple Provisioning (both manual and in-app), and to ensure ongoing approval within the App Store?
I'm looking for information regarding any new security protocols, API changes, policy updates, or other requirements that may impact these types of apps. Any official Apple documentation or links to relevant resources would be greatly appreciated."
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Review
I filed an appeal last Thursday, still haven’t heard from the board. How long usually does it take for them to respond?
Hi, we submit an appeal a week ago but no confirmation email.
Is there any way to know if it has been received?
My App id is 6738339188.
i got this email please provide me solution on this binary error
i got this email how solve this issue
Hello everyone,
I’m reaching out to the developer community for help regarding an issue I encountered while submitting our app YouMiUM for review on the App Store. Our app was rejected due to 4.3(a) - Duplicate App, and we believe this might be a mistake. I would appreciate any insights or assistance in understanding the reasoning behind this decision.
Our App’s Independence and Originality
First of all, I want to emphasize that YouMiUM is a fully independently designed and developed app. All of the UI, interactions, and functionality have been created by our team from scratch. We did not use any templates or clone any existing apps. We have registered software copyrights, received electronic copyright certification, have ICP filing information, and possess a business license to prove our app's independence.
Question: Why Is Our App Considered a Duplicate?
During the review process, our app was flagged for 4.3(a) - Duplicate App, but we are left wondering why an entirely original app would be considered "duplicate"? YouMiUM is unique in its design, functionality, target user group, and more. Specifically, it is focused on game-loving players, offering game-related interactions, sharing game results, and forming teams to play together, which is not commonly found in other apps.
Why Did Previous Versions Pass, but This One Was Rejected?
Additionally, we are confused about why several of our previous versions passed review without issue, but the 1.1.5 version we just submitted, which only includes small optimizations and bug fixes, was suddenly flagged as violating 4.3(a). There were no significant changes in the UI, functionality, or interactions. Why was this version singled out for rejection?
Seeking Further Help and Feedback
We are hoping to get more clarification from Apple’s review team to understand why our app was flagged for 4.3(a) and whether there are any additional guidelines or criteria we were not made aware of. If any developers have encountered similar issues, or if you have insights into why this might have happened, we would greatly appreciate your feedback!
We have always worked diligently to comply with App Store guidelines, and our app has passed multiple reviews in the past. This recent rejection has left us confused, and we hope to get further clarification from Apple and a chance for re-review.
Thank you so much for your help and feedback!
Best regards,
The YouMiUM Team
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Review
I'm building a movie app. For content service, im using cloudflare streaming service. So, I got rejected in my last review. So , how can i solve it ? and the reviewer said, provide en evidence that you have a rights of the content. What kind of permission do i need ?