MLTensor not found in scope even though I have Xcode 15.1


When trying to use MLTensor, I am getting the error that it is not found in scope even though I am using Xcode 15.1 (it says fully up to date) and set my deployment target to iOS 17.2. Is there something else I need to be doing in order to use MLTensor?



MLTensor is available in 2024 fall release OSes (e.g. iOS 18) and later.

Ok, I have set the minimum deployment target to iOS 18.3 but it is still unable to find MLTensor in scope. Do I need to create my own struct of MLTensor somehow? Here is my current code:

import CoreML

class BallTracker {
    let model: BallTrackerPreprocess
    init() {
        self.model = try! BallTrackerPreprocess(configuration: MLModelConfiguration())
    func processFrame(from frames: [CVPixelBuffer]) -> MLTensor? {
        // f1 is current, f2 is prev, f3 is previous prev
        guard frames.count == 3 else { return nil }
        let width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(frames[0])
        let height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(frames[0])
        let shape: [Int] = [3, height, width]
        let tensor = MLTensor(concatenating: { MLTensor(pixelBuffer: $0) }, dimension: 0)
        do {
            let prediction = try model.prediction(input_frames: tensor)
            return prediction.var_366
        catch {
            print("error: \(error)")
            return nil

If you are using Xcode 15.1, you likely do not have iOS 18 SDK, which you need to access the new MLTensor symbol.

MLTensor not found in scope even though I have Xcode 15.1