APNS push will not be received,in new country

Hello. Recently, the users of our APP have reported using our products, and they can normally receive push in Hong Kong. However, when traveling to Japan or some countries and regions in Europe, push will not be received.

we checked that -the cert is valid -the server get 'sent successfully' response -used pushtry to test the cert and token and it can receive push in app

Notifications not being received when traveling will not have anything with your certificates or your push service.

More likely explanations are the devices not having a persistent connection while traveling, perhaps the users putting the devices in certain focus modes, etc.

If you are able to share the apns-id of a recent push (within several days of when you answer this thread), then we can take a look to see if there is anything obvious in our logs.

Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies

According to our logs, that particular push was not delivered because the device was offline at the time. In the context of push notifications, not being online means not reachable by APNs, either because the device is offline, or using a network that is behind a proxy or some similar network architecture that might be preventing a persistent connection to APNs.

Whatever the reason, specific for that device and that time, it was considered offline for 17 hours and no notifications were received during that time.

Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies

You cannot force a reconnect to APNs through your app. That will be automatic.

Keep in mind, in this context, "being offline" means the device cannot keep a persistent connection to APNs. This could be because the device was actually offline, or perhaps on a connection that was not reliable that cut off frequently, where at some point APNs may choose to not keep trying to connect for a while.

In any case, this issue was due to a connection issue of the device, and does not involve your app.

APNS push will not be received,in new country