I am developing an app for counting money. One view is for entering the intended destinations specified by a donor. Each destination has a row with a TextField
that has an OnChange
to keep it all numeric. The model that holds the data is a class called AllocationItems,
which I recently changed from having the protocol ObservableObject
to having the macro @Observable.
It mostly works the same, except that before with each key stroke the total would be updated, but now with the macro it only gets updated when I exit the current TextField by clicking on another TextField
How do I get it to update the total with each keystroke?
The code that shows the total is this:
where allocations
is an instance of AllocationItems
with this definition:
var totalAllocated: NSDecimalNumber { items.reduce(.zero) { $0 + $1.amountValue } }
I hope someone knows why this has changed and can suggest a simple fix.