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Posts under Observation tag

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When I run my app with XCode on my iPhone, and then moved into the background, I'm getting a EXC_BREAKPOINT exception after a few minutes, seemingly when iOS attempts to call my app with a BGAppRefreshTask: Thread 23 Queue: com.apple.BGTaskScheduler (com.mycompany.MyApp.RefreshTask) (serial) 0 _dispatch_assert_queue_fail 12 _pthread_wqthread Enqueued from com.apple.duet.activityscheduler.client.xpcqueue (Thread 23) 0 dispatch_async 20 start_wqthread I can't quite understand the reason from this crash. In the background task, I'm attempting to update live activities. In the process, it might encounter code that calls MainActor and manipulate @Observable objects. Might that be the reason?
Updated to @Observable, now the total not updated on each keystroke
Hi I am developing an app for counting money. One view is for entering the intended destinations specified by a donor. Each destination has a row with a TextField that has an OnChange to keep it all numeric. The model that holds the data is a class called AllocationItems, which I recently changed from having the protocol ObservableObject to having the macro @Observable. It mostly works the same, except that before with each key stroke the total would be updated, but now with the macro it only gets updated when I exit the current TextField by clicking on another TextField How do I get it to update the total with each keystroke? The code that shows the total is this: Text(allocations.totalAllocated.fmtCurrency) where allocations is an instance of AllocationItems with this definition: var totalAllocated: NSDecimalNumber { items.reduce(.zero) { $0 + $1.amountValue } } I hope someone knows why this has changed and can suggest a simple fix.
Swift ObservableObject implementation with generic inference
I must admit my knowledge of swift is limited, and I cannot wrap my head around this problem. I've defined this protocol, so I can use different auth providers in my app. protocol AuthRepository { associatedtype AuthData associatedtype AuthResponseData associatedtype RegistrationData associatedtype RegistrationResponseData func login(with data: AuthData) async throws -> AuthResponseData? func register(with data: RegistrationData) async throws -> RegistrationResponseData? } and an implementation for my server struct MyServerAuthData { let email: String let password: String } struct MyServerAuthResponseData { let token: String } struct MyServerRegistrationData { let email: String let password: String let name: String } actor AuthRepositoryImpl: AuthRepository { func login(with data: MyServerAuthData) async throws -> MyServerAuthResponseData? { ... } func register(with data: MyServerRegistrationData) async throws -> Void? { ... } } To use across the app, I've created this ViewModel @MainActor final class AuthViewModel<T: AuthRepository>: ObservableObject { private let repository: T init(repository: T) { self.repository = repository } func login(data: T.AuthData) async throws -> T.AuthResponseData? { try await repository.login(with: data) } func register(with data: T.RegistrationData) async throws { try await repository.register(with: data) } } defined in the app as @main struct MyApp: App { @StateObject var authViewModel = AuthViewModel(repository: AuthRepositoryImpl()) var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .environmentObject(self.authViewModel) } } } and consumed as @EnvironmentObject private var authViewModel: AuthViewModel<AuthRepositoryImpl> But with this code, the whole concept of having a generic implementation for the auth repository is useless, because changing the AuthRepostory will need to search and replace AuthViewModel<AuthRepositoryImpl> across all the app. I've experienced this directly creating a MockAuthImpl to use with #Preview, and the preview crashed because it defines AuthViewModel(repository: MockAuthImpl()) but the view expects AuthViewModel. There is a better way to do that?
How to initialize @Observable object in View via @State?
When I switched to observable, I noticed a strange behavior of the ViewModel. The ViewModel is created 3x times. And my question is: How to properly initialize the ViewModel via state? Below is a minimal example with log output: ViewModel INIT : EBBB2C41 ViewModel INIT : D8E490DA ViewModel INIT : 54407300 ViewModel DEINIT: D8E490DA @Observable final class ViewModel { @ObservationIgnored let idd: UUID init() { idd = UUID() print("ViewModel INIT : \(idd.uuidString.prefix(8))") } deinit { print("ViewModel DEINIT: \(idd.uuidString.prefix(8))") } } struct SimpleView: View { @Environment(ViewModel.self) private var viewModel var body: some View { @Bindable var viewModel = viewModel Text("SimpleView: \(viewModel.idd.uuidString.prefix(8))") } } struct ContentView: View { @State private var viewModel = ViewModel() var body: some View { SimpleView() .environment(mainViewModel) } }
ObservableObject With Closure With Typed Throws Crashes on iOS 17
Having a property inside of an ObservableObject with a type of a closure with a typed throws will crash the app on the initialization of the observable object on iOS 17. Here is an example: struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var myDataSource = MyDataSource() var body: some View { EmptyView() } } enum MyError: Error { case error } class MyDataSource: ObservableObject { let signUp: (Int) throws(MyError) -> Void = { _ in } } If you run this code on iOS 17, the app will crash. The Radar for this issue is FB16399987.
swiftdata model polymorphism?
I have a SwiftData model where I need to customize behavior based on the value of a property (connectorType). Here’s a simplified version of my model: @Model public final class ConnectorModel { public var connectorType: String ... func doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType() { ... } } I’d like to implement doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType in a way that allows the behavior to vary depending on connectorType, and I want to follow best practices for scalability and maintainability. I’ve come up with three potential solutions, each with pros and cons, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on which one makes the most sense or if there’s a better approach: **Option 1: Use switch Statements ** func doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType() { switch connectorType { case "HTTP": // HTTP-specific logic case "WebSocket": // WebSocket-specific logic default: // Fallback logic } } Pros: Simple to implement and keeps the SwiftData model observable by SwiftUI without any additional wrapping. Cons: If more behaviors or methods are added, the code could become messy and harder to maintain. **Option 2: Use a Wrapper with Inheritance around swiftdata model ** @Observable class ParentConnector { var connectorModel: ConnectorModel init(connectorModel: ConnectorModel) { self.connectorModel = connectorModel } func doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType() { fatalError("Not implemented") } } @Observable class HTTPConnector: ParentConnector { override func doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType() { // HTTP-specific logic } } Pros: Logic for each connector type is cleanly organized in subclasses, making it easy to extend and maintain. Cons: Requires introducing additional observable classes, which could add unnecessary complexity. **Option 3: Use a @Transient class that customizes behavior ** protocol ConnectorProtocol { func doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType(connectorModel: ConnectorModel) } class HTTPConnectorImplementation: ConnectorProtocol { func doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType(connectorModel: ConnectorModel) { // HTTP-specific logic } } Then add this to the model: @Model public final class ConnectorModel { public var connectorType: String @Transient public var connectorImplementation: ConnectorProtocol? // Or alternatively from swiftui I could call myModel.connectorImplementation.doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType() to avoid this wrapper func doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType() { connectorImplementation?.doSomethingDifferentForEveryConnectorType(connectorModel: self) } } Pros: Decouples model logic from connector-specific behavior. Avoids creating additional observable classes and allows for easy extension. Cons: Requires explicitly passing the model to the protocol implementation, and setup for determining the correct implementation needs to be handled elsewhere. My Questions Which approach aligns best with SwiftData and SwiftUI best practices, especially for scalable and maintainable apps? Are there better alternatives that I haven’t considered? If Option 3 (protocol with dependency injection) is preferred, what’s the best way to a)manage the transient property 2) set the correct implementation and 3) pass reference to swiftdata model? Thanks in advance for your advice!
Jan ’25
Type 'AVPlayer.Type' cannot conform to 'ObservableObject'
I'm having the following issue: Type 'AVPlayer.Type' cannot conform to 'ObservableObject' struct MusicEditorView: View { @ObservedObject var audioPlayer = AVPlayer and this is the class: class MusicPlayer: ObservableObject { private var audioPlayer: AVPlayer? private var timer: Timer? func playSound(named sFileName: String){ if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: sFileName, withExtension: "mp3"){ audioPlayer = try? AVPlayer(url: url) audioPlayer?.play() } } func pause(){ audioPlayer?.pause() } func getcurrentProgress() -> Double{ guard let currentTime = audioPlayer?.currentItem?.currentTime().seconds else { return 0 } guard let duration = audioPlayer?.currentItem?.duration.seconds else { return 0 } return duration > 0 ? (currentTime / duration) * 100 : 0 } func startProgressTimer(updateProgress: @escaping (Double, Double) -> Void){ timer?.invalidate() timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { _ in guard let currentTime = self.audioPlayer?.currentItem?.currentTime().seconds else { return } guard let duration = self.audioPlayer?.currentItem?.duration.seconds else { return } updateProgress(currentTime, duration) } } func stopProgressTimer(){ timer?.invalidate() } struct Sound: Identifiable, Codable { var id = UUID() var name: String var fileName: String } } }
Jan ’25
Why is ScrollView / LazyVStack retaining Views which causes memory leaks in the end?
Recently I noticed how my ViewModels aren't deallocating and they end up as a memory leaks. I found something similar in this thread but this is also happening without using @Observation. Check the source code below: class CellViewModel: Identifiable { let id = UUID() var color: Color = Color.red init() { print("init") } deinit { print("deinit") } } struct CellView: View { let viewModel: CellViewModel var body: some View { ZStack { Color(viewModel.color) Text(viewModel.id.uuidString) } } } @main struct LeakApp: App { @State var list = [CellViewModel]() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { Button("Add") { list.append(CellViewModel()) } Button("Remove") { list = list.dropLast() } ScrollView { LazyVStack { ForEach(list) { model in CellView(viewModel: model) } } } } } } When I tap the Add button twice in the console I will see "init" message twice. So far so good. But then I click the Remove button twice and I don't see any "deinit" messages. I used the Debug Memory Graph in Xcode and it showed me that two CellViewModel objects are in the memory and they are owned by the CellView and some other objects that I don't know where are they coming from (I assume from SwiftUI internally). I tried using VStack instead of LazyVStack and that did worked a bit better but still not 100% "deinits" were in the Console. I tried using weak var struct CellView: View { weak var viewModel: CellViewModel? .... } but this also helped only partially. The only way to fully fix this is to have a separate class that holds the list of items and to use weak var viewModel: CellViewModel?. Something like this: class CellViewModel: Identifiable { let id = UUID() var color: Color = Color.red init() { print("init") } deinit { print("deinit") } } struct CellView: View { var viewModel: CellViewModel? var body: some View { ZStack { if let viewModel = viewModel { Color(viewModel.color) Text(viewModel.id.uuidString) } } } } @Observable class ListViewModel { var list = [CellViewModel]() func insert() { list.append(CellViewModel()) } func drop() { list = list.dropLast() } } @main struct LeakApp: App { @State var viewModel = ListViewModel() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { Button("Add") { viewModel.insert() } Button("Remove") { viewModel.drop() } ScrollView { LazyVStack { ForEach(viewModel.list) { model in CellView(viewModel: model) } } } } } } But this won't work if I want to use @Bindable such as @Bindable var viewModel: CellViewModel? I don't understand why SwiftUI doesn't want to release the objects?
Dec ’24
Replacing array in Observed object won't update UI.
Hello, following is the issue: I have a @Observable view model which has an array of @Observable Items. Tapping an item leads to a detail like view to submit a value to the item. This work thru bindings. However I have the need to replace the contents of the array entirely with a fresh version loaded from the network. It will contain the "same" objects with the same id but some values might have changed. So replacing the entire array seems to not update the UI because the IDs are the same as before. Also this seems to break the bindings because when replacing the array, editing no longer updates the UI. How to test the behavior: Launch the app in simulator. Add some values to the items by tapping on an item and then on add. Notice how changes are updated. Tap the blue button to sync fresh data to the array. (Not replacing the actual array) Confirm everything is still working Replace the array with the red button. Editing and UI updates are broken from now on. What is the proper way to handle this scenario? Project: https://github.com/ChristianSchuster/DTS_DataReplaceExample.git
Dec ’24
SwiftUI not observing SwiftData changes
I have an app with the following model: @Model class TaskList { @Attribute(.unique) var name: String // Relationships var parentList: TaskList? @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \TaskList.parentList) var taskLists: [TaskList]? init(name: String, parentTaskList: TaskList? = nil) { self.name = name self.parentList = parentTaskList self.taskLists = [] } } If I run the following test, I get the expected results - Parent has it's taskLists array updated to include the Child list created. I don't explicitly add the child to the parent array - the parentList relationship property on the child causes SwiftData to automatically perform the append into the parent array: @Test("TaskList with children with independent saves are in the database") func test_savingRootTaskIndependentOfChildren_SavesAllTaskLists() async throws { let modelContext = TestHelperUtility.createModelContext(useInMemory: false) let parentList = TaskList(name: "Parent") modelContext.insert(parentList) try modelContext.save() let childList = TaskList(name: "Child") childList.parentList = parentList modelContext.insert(childList) try modelContext.save() let fetchedResults = try modelContext.fetch(FetchDescriptor<TaskList>()) let fetchedParent = fetchedResults.first(where: { $0.name == "Parent"}) let fetchedChild = fetchedResults.first(where: { $0.name == "Child" }) #expect(fetchedResults.count == 2) #expect(fetchedParent?.taskLists.count == 1) #expect(fetchedChild?.parentList?.name == "Parent") #expect(fetchedChild?.parentList?.taskLists.count == 1) } I have a subsequent test that deletes the child and shows the parent array being updated accordingly. With this context in mind, I'm not seeing these relationship updates being observed within SwiftUI. This is an app that reproduces the issue. In this example, I am trying to move "Finance" from under the "Work" parent and into the "Home" list. I have a List that loops through a @Query var taskList: [TaskList] array. It creates a series of children views and passes the current TaskList element down into the view as a binding. When I perform the operation below the "Finance" element is removed from the "Work" item's taskLists array automatically and the view updates to show the removal within the List. In addition to that, the "Home" item also shows "Finance" within it's taskLists array - showing me that SwiftData is acting how it is supposed to - removed the record from one array and added it to the other. The View does not reflect this however. While the view does update and show "Finance" being removed from the "Work" list, it does not show the item being added to the "Home" list. If I kill the app and relaunch I can then see the "Finance" list within the "Home" list. From looking at the data in the debugger and in the database, I've confirmed that SwiftData is working as intended. SwiftUI however does not seem to observe the change. ToolbarItem { Button("Save") { list.name = viewModel.name list.parentList = viewModel.parentTaskList try! modelContext.save() dismiss() } } To troubleshoot this, I modified the above code so that I explicitly add the "Finance" list to the "Home" items taskLists array. ToolbarItem { Button("Save") { list.name = viewModel.name list.parentList = viewModel.parentTaskList if let newParent = viewModel.parentTaskList { // MARK: Bug - This resolves relationship not being reflected in the View newParent.taskLists?.append(list) } try! modelContext.save() dismiss() } } Why does my explicit append call solve for this? My original approach (not manually updating the arrays) works fine in every unit/integration test I run but I can't get SwiftUI to observe the array changes. Even more strange is that when I look at viewModel.parentTaskList.taskLists in this context, I can see that the list item already exists in it. So my code effectively tries to add it a second time, which SwiftData is smart enough to prevent from happening. When I do this though, SwiftUI observes a change in the array and the UI reflects the desired state. In addition to this, if I replace my custom list rows with an OutlineGroup this issue doesn't manifest itself. SwiftUI stays updated to match SwiftData when I remove my explicit array addition. I don't understand why my views, which is passing the TaskList all the way down the stack via Bindable is not updating while an OutlineGroup does. I have a complete reproducible ContentView file that demonstrates this as a Gist. I tried to provide the source here but it was to much for the post. One other anecdote. When I navigate to the TaskListEditorScreen and open the TaskListPickerScreen I get the following series of errors: error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/07/3px_03md30v9n105yh3rqzvw0000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@_swiftmacro_09SwiftDataA22UIChangeDetectionIssue20TaskListPickerScreenV9taskLists33_A40669FFFCF66BB4EEA5302BB5ED59CELL5QueryfMa.swift" I saw another post regarding these and I'm wondering if my issue is related to this. So my question is, do I need to handle observation of SwiftData models containing arrays differently in my custom views? Why do bindings not observe changes made by SwiftData but they observe changes made explicitly by me?
Nov ’24
No ObservableObject of Type "" found.
Im building an recipe app for the social media of my mother. i already have the functionality for the users, when a user gets created an empty array gets initiated at the database named favoriteRecipes, which stores the id of his favorite recipes to show in a view. This is my AuthViewModel which is relevant for the user stuff: import Firebase import FirebaseAuth import FirebaseFirestore protocol AuthenticationFormProtocol { var formIsValid: Bool { get } } @MainActor class AuthViewModel : ObservableObject { @Published var userSession: FirebaseAuth.User? @Published var currentUser: User? @Published var currentUserId: String? init() { self.userSession = Auth.auth().currentUser Task { await fetchUser() } } func signIn(withEmail email: String, password: String) async throws { do { let result = try await Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) self.userSession = result.user await fetchUser() // fetch user sonst profileview blank } catch { print("DEBUG: Failed to log in with error \(error.localizedDescription)") } } func createUser(withEmail email: String, password: String, fullName: String) async throws { do { let result = try await Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: password) self.userSession = result.user let user = User(id: result.user.uid, fullName: fullName, email: email) let encodedUser = try Firestore.Encoder().encode(user) try await Firestore.firestore().collection("users").document(result.user.uid).setData(encodedUser) await fetchUser() } catch { print("Debug: Failed to create user with error \(error.localizedDescription)") } } func signOut() { do { try Auth.auth().signOut() // sign out user on backend self.userSession = nil // wipe out user session and take back to login screen self.currentUser = nil // wipe out current user data model } catch { print("DEBUG: Failed to sign out with error \(error.localizedDescription)") } } func deleteAcocount() { let user = Auth.auth().currentUser user?.delete { error in if let error = error { print("DEBUG: Error deleting user: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { self.userSession = nil self.currentUser = nil } } } func fetchUser() async { guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return } currentUserId = uid let userRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("users").document(uid) do { let snapshot = try await userRef.getDocument() if snapshot.exists { self.currentUser = try? snapshot.data(as: User.self) print("DEBUG: current user is \(String(describing: self.currentUser))") } else { // Benutzer existiert nicht mehr in Firebase, daher setzen wir die userSession auf nil self.userSession = nil self.currentUser = nil } } catch { print("DEBUG: Fehler beim Laden des Benutzers: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } This is the code to fetch the favorite recipes, i use the id of the user to access the collection and get the favoriteRecipes out of the array: import SwiftUI @MainActor class FavoriteRecipeViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var favoriteRecipes: [Recipe] = [] @EnvironmentObject var viewModel: AuthViewModel private var db = Firestore.firestore() init() { Task { await fetchFavoriteRecipes() } } func fetchFavoriteRecipes() async{ let userRef = db.collection("users").document(viewModel.userSession?.uid ?? "") do { let snapshot = try await userRef.collection("favoriteRecipes").getDocuments() let favoriteIDs = snapshot.documents.map { $0.documentID } let favoriteRecipes = try await fetchRecipes(recipeIDs: favoriteIDs) } catch { print("DEBUG: Failed to load favorite recipes for user: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } func fetchRecipes(recipeIDs: [String]) async throws -&gt; [Recipe] { var recipes: [Recipe] = [] for id in recipeIDs { let snapshot = try await db.collection("recipes").document(id).getDocument() if let recipe = try? snapshot.data(as: Recipe.self) { recipes.append(recipe) } } return recipes } } Now the Problem occurs at the build of the project, i get the error SwiftUICore/EnvironmentObject.swift:92: Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type AuthViewModel found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for AuthViewModel may be missing as an ancestor of this view. I already passed the ViewModel instances as EnvironmentObject in the App Struct. import SwiftUI import FirebaseCore class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate { func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -&gt; Bool { FirebaseApp.configure() return true } } @main struct NimetAndSonApp: App { @StateObject var viewModel = AuthViewModel() @StateObject var recipeViewModel = RecipeViewModel() @StateObject var favoriteRecipeViewModel = FavoriteRecipeViewModel() @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var delegate var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .environmentObject(viewModel) .environmentObject(recipeViewModel) .environmentObject(favoriteRecipeViewModel) } } }
Nov ’24
@Observable in command line app
I have a problem with the following code, I am not being notified of changes to the progress property of my Job object, which is @Observable... This is a command-line Mac application (the same code works fine in a SwiftUI application). I must have missed something? do { let job = AsyncJob() withObservationTracking { let progress = job.progress } onChange: { print("Current progress: \(job.progress)") } let _ = try await job.run() print("Done...") } catch { print(error) } I Try this without any success: @main struct MyApp { static func main() async throws { // my code here } }
Oct ’24
@Observation: Best way of handling binding after injecting a View-Model
In WWDC 2023 there was a good summary of how to handle the iOS 17 Observation capability. But despite the clear graphics, it was still ambiguous (for me.) I want to inject a class (view-model) so that it can be used in the complete view heirarchy, and used in bindings to allow bi-directional communication. As far as I can tell there are 2 ways of declaring the VM (alternatives 1 and 2 in my code), and 2 ways of consuming the VM in a view (alternatives 3 and 4 in my code). Using the flow-diagram I can't determine which is best. Here's the crux of my #Observable problem. import SwiftUI // MARK: - Model struct MyMod { var title = "Hello, World!" } // MARK: - MVV @Observable class MyMVV { var model: MyMod init() { self.model = MyMod() } } // MARK: - App @main struct MyApp: App { @Bindable var myGlobalMVV = MyMVV() // Alternative 1 // @State var myGlobalMVV = MyMVV() // Alternative 2 var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .environment(myGlobalMVV) // inject } } } struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { ContentDeepHierarchyView() } } struct ContentDeepHierarchyView: View { @Environment(MyMVV.self) var myGlobalMVV // digest var body: some View { @Bindable var myLocalMVV = myGlobalMVV // Alternative 3 TextField("The new title", text: $myLocalMVV.model.title) // Alternative 3 TextField("The new title", text: Bindable(myGlobalMVV).model.title) // Alternative 4 } Opinions?
Dec ’24
Do update to @Observable properties have to be done on the main thread?
According to this old thread the answer is no. But I never understood why. In the old world. It was always required that you make changes to @Published properties on the main thread. In fact compiler would complain. In the main world, can you just update that in the background thread? And then SwiftUI take cares of refreshing the views on the main thread? So I guess that begs that question, why did it used to require it for @Published? Furthermore, I have recently gotten new crashes when update is done from background but I can't be sure it's related: For example I have the following, and the crash is as follows: @Observable class PlanViewModel { var stagingPlan: Plan? func savePlan() async { //some code here.... stagingPlan = nil //crash } } Is this issue potentially related to main thread? Should I do that assignment forcefully on main thread? call stack 1 call stack 2 call stack 3 I dont know how to troubleshoot this further as xcode doesnt provide me any info other than that one red line
Oct ’24
Is @ObservationIgnored necessary for private var?
In SwiftUI's ViewModel class that are @Observable, is it necessary to annotate private fields as @ObservationIgnored? I'm not sure if adding @ObservationIgnored to these fields will get performance gains, since there are no SwiftUI structs referencing these fields because they're private. However, I'd like to know what's the recommended approach here? While this might not seem obvious for the example below, however, sometimes I have private fields that are changing pretty frequently. For these frequently changed fields, I think the performance gains will be larger. Example: @Observable class UserProfileViewModel { var userName: String? var userPhoneNumber: String? private var isFetchingData = false } vs @Observable class UserProfileViewModel { var userName: String? var userPhoneNumber: String? @ObservationIgnored private var isFetchingData = false }
Oct ’24
Struggling with Swift Gesture/Observation
I'm trying to create an equivalent to TabView, but with the difference that the 2nd View slides in over the top of the primary view. Maybe there's a more elegant way of coding this (suggestions appreciated), but I've almost succeeded using the dragGesture. When a user swipes right to left the observed variable showTab2 is set to true, and the 2nd tab glides in over the top of tab 1 and displays 🥳. The only problem is, that when a user happens to start the swipe over a button, the observed status (showTab2) does change as expected but the main view does not catch this change and does not display tab2. And that despite the showTab2 being an @Observable. Any clues what I've missed? Or how to capture that the start of a swipe gesture starts over the top of a button and should be ignored. According to the code in SwipeTabView this screenshot 👆 should never occur. Here's the code: @Observable class myclass { var showTab2 = false } struct SwipeTabView: View { @State var myClass = myclass() @State var dragAmount: CGSize = CGSize.zero var body: some View { VStack { ZStack { GeometryReader { geometryProxy in VStack { tab(tabID: 1, selectedTab: myClass.showTab2) .zIndex(/*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/1.0/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/) .background(.black) .transition(.identity) .swipeable(stateOfViewAdded: $myClass.showTab2, dragAmount: $dragAmount, geometryProxy: geometryProxy, insertion: true) } if myClass.showTab2 || dragAmount.width != 0 { tab(tabID: 2, selectedTab: myClass.showTab2) .zIndex(2.0) .drawingGroup() .transition(.move(edge: .trailing)) .offset(x: dragAmount.width ) .swipeable(stateOfViewAdded: $myClass.showTab2, dragAmount: $dragAmount, geometryProxy: geometryProxy, insertion: false) } } } } } } extension View { func swipeable(stateOfViewAdded: Binding<Bool>, dragAmount: Binding<CGSize>, geometryProxy: GeometryProxy, insertion: Bool) -> some View { self.gesture( DragGesture() .onChanged { gesture in // inserting must be minus, but removing must be positive - hence the multiplication. if gesture.translation.width * (insertion ? 1 : -1 ) < 0 { if insertion { dragAmount.wrappedValue.width = geometryProxy.size.width + gesture.translation.width } else { dragAmount.wrappedValue.width = gesture.translation.width } } } .onEnded { gesture in if abs(gesture.translation.width) > 100.0 && gesture.translation.width * (insertion ? 1 : -1 ) < 0 { withAnimation(.easeOut.speed(Double(gesture.velocity.width))) { stateOfViewAdded.wrappedValue = insertion } } else { withAnimation(.easeOut.speed(Double(gesture.velocity.width))) { stateOfViewAdded.wrappedValue = !insertion } } withAnimation(.smooth) { dragAmount.wrappedValue = CGSize.zero } } ) } } struct tab: View { var tabID: Int var selectedTab: Bool var body: some View { ZStack { Color(tabID == 1 ? .yellow : .orange) VStack { Text("Tab \(tabID) ").foregroundColor(.black) Button(action: { print("Tab2 should display - \(selectedTab.description)") }, label: { ZStack { circle label } }) Text("Tab2 should display - \(selectedTab.description)") } } } var circle: some View { Circle() .frame(width: 100, height: 100) .foregroundColor(.red) } var label: some View { Text("\(tabID == 1 ? ">>" : "<<")").font(.title).foregroundColor(.black) } }
Sep ’24
SwiftUI and SwiftData @Query
Hey everyone, I’m relatively new to SwiftUI and iOS development, having started earlier this year, and I’m working on a Notes app using SwiftData. I’ve run into some issues when dealing with nested views. In my app, I’m using a SwiftData @Query in a parent view and then passing the model objects down the view tree. However, I’m frequently encountering errors such as “No container found” or similar. To work around this, I’ve tried having the child views perform their own SwiftData @Query, with the parent view passing a string identifier to the child views. This approach has helped somewhat, but I’m still not entirely sure how to properly manage UI updates. Additionally, I’ve noticed that turning on iCloud syncing seems to have made the problem worse. The errors have become more frequent, and it’s unclear to me how to handle these situations effectively. Could someone explain the best practices for handling SwiftData queries in nested SwiftUI views, especially with iCloud syncing enabled? Any guidance or feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Aug ’24
@Observable state class reinitializes every time view is updated
With the new @Observable macro, it looks like every time the struct of a view is reinitialized, any observable class marked as @State in the struct also gets reinitialized. Moreover, the result of the reinitialization immediately gets discarded. This is in contrast to @StateObject and ObservableObject, where the class would only be initialized at the first creation of the view. The initialization method of the class would never be called again between view updates. Is this a bug or an expected behavior? This redundant reinitialization causes performance issues when the init method of the observable class does anything slightly heavyweight. Feedback ID: FB13697724
Jul ’24
@Observable class not compatible with Codable?
So any time I create a class that's both @Observable and Codable, e.g. @Observable class GameLocationManager : Codable { I get a warning in the macro expansion code: @ObservationIgnored private let _$observationRegistrar = Observation.ObservationRegistrar() Immutable property will not be decoded because it is declared with an initial value which cannot be overwritten. I've been ignoring them for now, but there are at least a half a dozen of them now in my (relatively small) codebase, and I'd like to find a solution (ideally one that doesn't require me to write init(decoder:) for every @Observable class in my project...), especially since I'm not sure what the actual consequences of ignoring this might be.
Nov ’24