Hi everyone,
i'm trying to request in a AppIntent an array of strings. But I want to give the user the chance to add more than one String.
Yet, I do it so:
import AppIntent
struct AddHomework: AppIntent {
// some Parameters
@Parameter(title: "Tasks")
var tasks: [String]?
@Parameter(title: "New Task") //Only for the special request
var input: String?
private func collectTasks() async throws -> [String] {
var collectedTasks: [String] = tasks ?? []
while true {
if !collectedTasks.isEmpty {
let addMore = try await $input.requestConfirmation(for: "Möchtest du noch eine Aufgabe hinzufügen?")
if !addMore {
let newTask = try await $input.requestValue("Please enter your task:")
return collectedTasks
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
let finalTasks = try await collectTasks()
// some more code
return .result()
But this is not working. The Shortcut is ending without requesting anything. But it is not crashing.
I would thankfully for some help.