It has been a month since our app was last submitted for review. I reached out to your review team to ensure a fair process, but unfortunately, it was rejected. I’m hoping to better understand if this is the current process, as it seems there were no issues addressed before the rejection. I would greatly appreciate any clarification or guidance on how we can move forward.
App Name: Model Cycling - Fitness
Apple ID: 6504571841
App URL:
Appeal Closure Notice
Appeal Ticket: APL120898
Thank you for contacting the App Review Board. We received your appeal request for Model Cycling - Fitness. However, during our evaluation we noticed that your appeal request did not include specific reasons why you believe your app complies with the App Store Review Guidelines.
To ensure your app is processed as quickly as possible, we have closed your appeal and will forward the information you provided to a member of the App Review team who is familiar with your app to provide further assistance. If necessary, they will message you directly via App Store Connect.
If you are still unable to resolve the issue, please respond to the most recent message you received from App Review in the App Review section of App Store Connect and we will provide additional support.