Issue: Webview does not respond when the biometric component is presented


We have a native application with a webview part.

When we open the app, we load webview resources in a false foreground. The webview communicates with the native part to query local variables, among other things. We have noticed that for the past few weeks, when the biometric component is presented to enter the fingerprint or faceId, while the component is displayed, the webview does not respond.

We do not see the calls made by the webview, nor can we respond to them. Even if you open the Safari debugger, the webview does not respond UNTIL you close the biometric component in the native part.

This has created a big problem in our app, and we wanted to know if it is an issue you had on your radar.

Thank you very much.

Issue: Webview does not respond when the biometric component is presented