Hello, I am trying without luck to create a .dmg or .pkg for my electron app that can be opened by any user on a mac. Every time I fail. All is happening by the same pattern. Here is the last try with creating a .pkg instead of .dmg.
- The app is built and it is signed correctly (I suppose)
codesign --verify --verbose=1 dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app
dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app: valid on disk
dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement
- I created a .pkg
pkgbuild --root "dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app" \
--install-location "/Applications/VIVIDTIME.app" \
--identifier "app.vividtime.mac" \
--version "1.1.0" \
--sign "Developer ID Installer: Pavel Bochkov-Rastopchin (2QKDCTR5Y3)" \
pkgbuild: Inferring bundle components from contents of dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/Mantle.framework
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/VIVIDTIME Helper.app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/VIVIDTIME Helper (GPU).app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/Electron Framework.framework
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/Squirrel.framework
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/VIVIDTIME Helper (Renderer).app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/VIVIDTIME Helper (Plugin).app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/ReactiveObjC.framework
pkgbuild: Using timestamp authority for signature
pkgbuild: Signing package with identity "Developer ID Installer: Pavel Bochkov-Rastopchin (2QKDCTR5Y3)" from keychain /Users/innrvoice/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db
pkgbuild: Adding certificate "Developer ID Certification Authority"
pkgbuild: Adding certificate "Apple Root CA"
pkgbuild: Wrote package to dist/VIVIDTIME.pkg
Yeah, so that’s not good. It indicates that someone has overridden the default trust settings, which is a known source of problems like this. For example, it commonly causes code signing problems, as explained in Fixing an untrusted code signing certificate.
That post also explains how to clear these trust settings using Keychain Access. I recommend that you do that and then retest.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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