Hi am new to App Store Connect api calls.
First tried all apps url and it works(let url = URL(string: "https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/apps")! )
But I want to get screenshots for an app. and it gives an error.
JWT Payload: { aud = "appstoreconnect-v1"; exp = "761634503.157082"; iat = "761633363.157082"; iss = "69a6de6e-6715-47e3-e053-5b8c7c11a4d1"; scope = ( "GET /v1/apps/{appId}/appScreenshotSets", "GET /v1/apps" ); }
let url = URL(string: "https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/apps/(appId)/appScreenshotSets")!
HTTP Status Code: 400 ["errors": <__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x600000010320>( { code = "ENTITY_INVALID"; detail = "Invalid scope GET /v1/apps/{appId}/appScreenshotSets"; id = T6VMMMF3V4NGO7Z3AO4AHOU2QI; links = "<null>"; status = 400; title = "JSON processing failed"; } ) ]