API calls to get screenshots not working.

Hi am new to App Store Connect api calls.

First tried all apps url and it works(let url = URL(string: "https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/apps")! )

But I want to get screenshots for an app. and it gives an error.

JWT Payload: { aud = "appstoreconnect-v1"; exp = "761634503.157082"; iat = "761633363.157082"; iss = "69a6de6e-6715-47e3-e053-5b8c7c11a4d1"; scope = ( "GET /v1/apps/{appId}/appScreenshotSets", "GET /v1/apps" ); }

let url = URL(string: "https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/apps/(appId)/appScreenshotSets")!

HTTP Status Code: 400 ["errors": <__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x600000010320>( { code = "ENTITY_INVALID"; detail = "Invalid scope GET /v1/apps/{appId}/appScreenshotSets"; id = T6VMMMF3V4NGO7Z3AO4AHOU2QI; links = "<null>"; status = 400; title = "JSON processing failed"; } ) ]

Hello there, screenshots are at an app store version localization level (apps -> appStoreVersions -> appStoreVersionLocalizations). This is a helpful call that will show you all your localizations across all your versions for a specific app.

In this response you'll see appStoreVersionLocalizations returned in the included section. As such, you'll be able to find appStoreVersionLocalization id(s) that you care about. E.g. Let's check out my 'EN-US' localization for version 1.0 of my iOS version. Once you have this id you can plug it in to the GET call below to fetch the associated screenshot sets.

This should give a list of your localized screenshots sets for the App Store Version and locale you want.

API calls to get screenshots not working.