I'm writing an EntityAction that animates a material base tint between two different colours. However, the colour that is being actually set differs in RGB values from that requested.
For example, trying to set an end target of R0.5, G0.5, B0.5, results in a value of R0.735357, G0.735357, B0.735357. I can also see during the animation cycle that intermediate actual tint values are also incorrect, versus those being set.
My understanding is the the values of material base colour are passed as a SIMD4<Float>. Therefore I have a couple of helper extensions to convert a UIColor into this format and mix between two colours. Note however, I don't think the issue is with this functions - even if their outputs are wrong, the final value of the base tint doesn't match the value being set.
I wondered if this was a colour space issue?
import simd
import RealityKit
import UIKit
typealias Float4 = SIMD4<Float>
extension Float4 {
func mixedWith(_ value: Float4, by mix: Float) -> Float4 {
simd_mix(x, value.x, mix),
simd_mix(y, value.y, mix),
simd_mix(z, value.z, mix),
simd_mix(w, value.w, mix)
extension UIColor {
var float4: Float4 {
var r: CGFloat = 0.0
var g: CGFloat = 0.0
var b: CGFloat = 0.0
var a: CGFloat = 0.0
getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a)
return Float4(Float(r), Float(g), Float(b), Float(a))
struct ColourAction: EntityAction {
let startColour: SIMD4<Float>
let targetColour: SIMD4<Float>
var animatedValueType: (any AnimatableData.Type)? { SIMD4<Float>.self }
init(startColour: UIColor, targetColour: UIColor) {
self.startColour = startColour.float4
self.targetColour = targetColour.float4
static func registerEntityAction() {
ColourAction.subscribe(to: .updated) { event in
guard let animationState = event.animationState else { return }
let interpolatedColour = event.action.startColour.mixedWith(event.action.targetColour, by: Float(animationState.normalizedTime))
extension Entity {
func updateColour(from currentColour: UIColor, to targetColour: UIColor, duration: Double, endAction: @escaping (Entity) -> Void = { _ in }) {
let colourAction = ColourAction(startColour: currentColour, targetColour: targetColour, endedAction: endAction)
if let colourAnimation = try? AnimationResource.makeActionAnimation(for: colourAction, duration: duration, bindTarget: .material(0).baseColorTint) {
The EntityAction can only be applied to an entity with a ModelComponent (because of the material), so it can be called like so:
let modelComponent = entity.components[ModelComponent.self],
let material = modelComponent.materials.first as? PhysicallyBasedMaterial else
let currentColour = material.baseColor.tint
let targetColour = UIColor(_colorLiteralRed: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)
entity.updateColour(from:currentColour, to: targetColour, duration: 2)