I cannot use the Test Flight app for over 12 hours. This problem seems to have occurred periodically for over a decade, so why hasn't Apple provided any solution?
Testflight error: Couldn't Load Apps, Testflight is currently unavailable
I have been trying to find out what went wrong... and it looks like it is not just me can't load the apps in the testflight.
"Couldn't Load Apps TestFlight is currently unavailable. Try again."
I just discovered the same issue
Encountering the Same problem since yesterday 20 Feb 2025.
TestFlight shows "Couldn't Load Apps TestFlight is currently unavailable. Try again."
Have tried lots of different suggestions provided in this forum and other online articles, such as logout and relogin, uninstall TestFlight and reinstall it, remove and add my account back to the tester list under Apple Connect... but none of these can resolve this issue.
App Store Connect Engineer and Apple Support, please further investigate and fix this issue asap. As this is blocking our app's testing schedule, and will affect our release schedule.
anyone can help with this issue?
all of my tester list got this problems, affecting several bundle id, already tried to remove then invite the tester, still got the same issues,
Hello everyone,
I'm experiencing the same issue mentioned, but it occurs only with .NET MAUI builds. My older Xamarin builds, which I compile using Xcode 15.2 on macOS 13, work perfectly, while the .NET MAUI builds—compiled with Xcode 16.1 on macOS 14—start encountering problems yesterday in the TestFlight app.
Moreover, since yesterday, even the old builds that were working fine until then have stopped functioning. I had to mark all the MAUI builds as "invalid" so that only the Xamarin builds remained, and once I did that, TestFlight started working again.
I'm curious if anyone else has noticed similar issues when using .NET MAUI on the latest Xcode and macOS versions. Could this be due to changes in the new build environment or potential incompatibilities specific to .NET MAUI? Additionally, what debugging steps or workarounds have you tried so far?
I have been having this blocker since yesterday, all my testers only can install the app from the TestFlight's "home screen".
encountered same issue.
The same for me. Initially reinstalling Testflight was fixing the problem, but not anymore.
We're also blocked from testing new app builds since yesterday because of this issue. My iPad makes the following requests to testflight.apple.com:
- /v1/session/authenticate (200 OK)
- /v3/accounts/***/apps (200 OK)
- /v1/devices/apns (200 OK)
- /v2/accounts/***/apps/***/builds/*** (500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR)
- The body in the response is
{ "data": null, "error": null}
- The body in the response is
i believe this issue is now resolved over the weekend. I am now able to see the test apps in TestFlight....