Safari extension service worker appears with a delay in the Develop dropdown


I'm developing an extension and I need to debug console logs that are logged in the Service Worker. The worker is configured in the manifest and is generally working as expected:

However, when I open the browser, go to any site, and open Develop -> Service Workers or Develop -> Web Extension Background Content it is not visible there, so I can't really access the logs:

But then I noticed that if I go out of focus from the browser for some time (and probably let the SW die), it becomes visible and I can open it without an issue:

So, a couple of questions:

  1. Why isn't it instantly accessible? The extension Service Worker dev tools should be accessible regardless of what is happening to the tab or the browser, even if the SW terminates.
  2. Why does it eventually appear under Web Extension Background Content instead of the Service Workers when it is in fact an SW?
Safari extension service worker appears with a delay in the Develop dropdown