Building audio unit extension - trying to get .component file

im currently trying to build even the most basic sample plugin. Xcode forces me to do cross-platofrm audio app. so there is immediately 2 targets. i developed my code, testing in logic, now im ready to deploy and cannot find the component file. i only see appex. so what is logic loading when im testing? please advise.

i did all the info.plist stuff, added audio unit framework, im totally lost. my most exerienced contacts all tell me to go to juce. im not convinced. im at final steps. please advise

Hello @szfpro, thank you for your post. Version 2 audio unit plug-ins are bundles with a .component extension that the host process, Logic Pro in this case, can dynamically load. Audio unit .component bundles are usually installed in the /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components or the ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components folder, but a host app can load them from anywhere in the system. Loading always happens in-process.

Version 3 audio units, on the other hand, are app extensions. They are .appex bundles bundled within a container app and made available to the system from there, so there's no need to install them. You distribute an audio unit extension by simply distributing its container app.

Host apps, including the container app, can load audio unit extensions with instantiate(with:options:completionHandler:). Loading usually happens out-of-process, that is, the host and the audio unit communicate via XPC. On macOS you can structure an audio unit extension such that the host can optionally load it in-place. The Creating Custom Audio Effects illustrates how to do that. Still, the .appex bundle will live within the container app's bundle.

Building audio unit extension - trying to get .component file