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General Documentation






Implement offer codes to make app free
Hello! I want to implement a system in my app in which I will require the user to input a promotional code. If the user inputs a code, the app will have full functionalities, in the other case, the app will be a "lite" version. I don't want to sell anything; the content of the app depends only on whether the user has inputted the promo code. Is this behavior permitted by App Store? In the case it does, do I need to use the store "In app purchase" flow or may I handle all this logic by myself? Thanks!
No eligible profiles found for matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier
I can't find the required app identifier for the distributed app with the Bundle ID 'recoverlution-production' on my account on the page I am getting 'No profiles for recoverlution-production found.' when validating the app on Xcode after the build. Additionally, I am getting 'No eligible profiles found for recoverlution-ios-app matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier recoverlution-production.' when selecting the provisioning profile from Xcode.
change account from individual to company too long time
I made a mistake to changing my developer account from individual to company. a month on, there's no response. suddenly the enrollment process disappears but in my account, I can still see "continue your enrollment". The page does not give me any option to cancel it. so I did continue enrollment. and now it is enrollment under process again what is causing this infinite loop ? how long should I wait ? I couldn't submit any app updates or new apps if I go to,it shows "Your enrollment is being processed." if I go to, it shows "The Apple Developer Program License Agreement has been updated and needs to be reviewed. In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps, the Account Holder must review and accept the updated agreement by signing in to their account" if i Click account, i goes back to "Your enrollment is being processed." frustrating
App distribution on App Store
Hi, My employer has Apple developer account and they want to distribute the application through Microsoft Intune for employees only. However when I checked the MS Intune distribution documentation they have mentioned we should have Apple Enterprise account and distribute the app as In house/ Ad hoc app. To distribute the app through Intune we need to use their wrapping tools which needs IPA generated through enterprise certificate and profile. Employer also has Apple Business Manager account and as per Apple documentation we can distribute the app in organization through ABM. Its really confusing to finalize which path to follow. I need your help to guide me in right direction.
Apple Search Ads language glitch and odd replies
I have Apple Advanced campaign and an Apple Basic campaign. But the Basic seems glitched. It's not spending, is not suggesting any increase in spend but it also says it can't run in Brazil due to lack of localization. I am currently not running it in Brazil anyway but the error is odd. As all my screen shots are universal. They contain icons rather than text. Everything looks correct on Connect. I email support and at first they just repeat the problem statement. As if I didn't read it the first time. So I try to explain I've already read the error and checked for issues. Finding none, I contacted support. They still claim "localized app screenshots have not been added for Portuguese (Brazil) while the app metadata has been localized in Portuguese (Brazil)." Seemingly dismissing that I stated I see all this stuff for Brazil in App Store Connect. Everything is in place. No indication more is needed. I got 21 languages and this one is being treated different despite all of them implemented the same way. Again they just reply with "Thank you for your Apple Search Ads inquiry. To run ads in Brazil, please ensure that you have also added localized app screenshots for Portuguese (Brazil). Once added, your campaign should be able to run in Brazil, as long as your assets are approved." It's like they aren't even reading the replies? Is this an LLM or can they only send canned responses? They seem to be saying that all the language support works the same except for Brazil which requires you to post the screen shots again despite the screenshots already being there and despite the fact there is no indication to do so. Why are the replies so generic, not signed by anyone, take 24 hours to receive, and seemingly non responsive to my explanations of the problem? My first email to them was on the 6th and I'm still trying to convey to them the images are in the store and approved.
Unable to Renew Developer Membership - Urgent Help Needed
Hello, I'm facing a critical issue with renewing my Apple Developer membership, and I'm seeking urgent assistance. Here's a summary of my situation: As an iOS developer, I've found that the renew button is nowhere to be found in the Developer apps or on the website. Despite having correct payment methods and sufficient funds, I can't renew my account. I've tried multiple approaches, including: Using both iPhone and Mac Developer App / App Store Trying different browsers Reaching out to support via chat and phone Contacting the US support team directly After nearly 10 days of waiting, the response I received was simply a link to the renewal page, which I had already checked countless times. This response indicates that my situation was not thoroughly reviewed. Meanwhile, my apps have been removed from the store, causing daily financial losses. Waiting indefinitely for a resolution without any clear timeframe is extremely frustrating. Has anyone else faced similar challenges? If you have found a solution, your insights would be greatly appreciated. Any assistance from the community or from Apple Support is urgently needed. Thank you.
Can I block certain iPhone types from using my app?
I have been working on an app, and am really happy with the designs on iPhones 15-11, however every time I use the iPhone SE, the designs look terrible and everything overlaps (yes even with restraints and stack views and what not.) I want to know could I make a seperate version of my app for every iPhone (that isn't the se) and a special dedicated version for SE users? If this isn't possible, can I just block SE users from the app?
Company account restore by documents
Hello, if it is available to restore Organization Apple account by presenting documents of this company. My friend has a problem where his account phone number and email was changed by strange situation some day, and he don't have access to account sign-in, new phone number and new email. Do not suggest to write to "Contact Apple", because he long time already waiting for answer. Please give some experience about if it is available to restore via Organization documents and Organization owner documents to restore account with apps on it
In-App Update Feature for iOS
Dear Apple Developer Support, I am seeking information regarding the implementation of in-app updates for iOS applications. Specifically, I would like to know if there is an available SDK or method that allows users to update their apps without being redirected to the App Store. This functionality is essential for enhancing user experience and streamlining the update process within the app itself. Thank you for your assistance.