Since iOS 18.2 the simulators have been missing the content under Apps menu for Settings. We are on to iOS 18.3 and still no Apps settings.
Since iOS 18.2 the simulators have been missing the content under Apps menu for Settings. We are on to iOS 18.3 and still no Apps settings.
I'm not able to reproduce this — if I create a new app with Xcode 16.2 and run it in the iOS 18.2 simulator, Settings > Apps > My New App is there. I don't see a difference with Xcode 16.3 beta and the iOS 18.4 beta simulator either. Can you confirm what you're seeing with a brand new app as a starting point, and then open a bug report with the results from both your real app and the new test app? When opening that bug report, please include an Xcode sysdiiagnose as well as one from the simulator? You can collect the simulator sysdiagnose by running the command xcrun simctl diagnose
in Terminal.
Once you file that report, please post the FB number here.
— Ed Ford, DTS Engineer
m experiencing the same issue.
I’m using Xcode 16.2 with iOS 18.2, and the problem occurs regardless of whether I’m working on a new or existing project.
To investigate further, I collected the simulator sysdiagnose by running xcrun simctl diagnose in Terminal.
@DTS Engineer
To investigate further, I collected the simulator sysdiagnose by running xcrun simctl diagnose in Terminal.
Great! What's the bug report number you filed with those attached?
— Ed Ford, DTS Engineer
I originally reported this issue 12/17/2024 under FB16112960. The status says a potential fix has been identified.