Hi There, I have an app which access the media library, to save and load files. Since the IOS 18.2, the access to the media library stopped working. Now, I've noticed that our App doesn't show in the List of apps with access to Files ( Privacy & Security -> Files & Folders). Weird behavior is that, one iPhone with iOS 18.3.1 can access to the Files but others no, same iOS version 18.3.1. Test on Simulators (MAC) and works fine also. My info.plist file have the keys to access media library for long time and hasn't changed (at least in the las 4 years) including the key "Privacy - Media Library Usage Description". Also, I've noticed, that the message (popup) that request access to the media library, when using the app for the first time, doesn't show up anymore. We request access to the network (wifi) and this message still showing up but no the media library. I'm using Visual Studio with Xamarin on a MAC.
I really appreciate any help you can because is very odd behavior and this started from the iOS 18.2.