Explore the integration of media technologies within your app. Discuss working with audio, video, camera, and other media functionalities.






Is one step folder creation possible in Finder ?
I need to disallow folder renaming on my NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension extension as my foreign API system changes the asset id when a folder gets renamed and I can't retrieve or compute the new ID. For this reason I disable .allowsRenaming on folders for this volume but the Finder will still trigger the two step create "untitled folder" / rename when creating new folders. I can see that existing folders can't be renamed on the volume so the capability seems properly managed by my extension. Is there a way to prevent the creation of the "untitled folder" folder when creating new folders in Finder on a folder with renaming disabled ?
IOSurface vs. IOSurfaceRef on Catalyst
I have an IOSurface and I want to turn that into a CIImage. However, the constructor of CIImage takes a IOSurfaceRef instead of a IOSurface. On most platforms, this is not an issue because the two types are toll-free bridgeable... except for Mac Catalyst, where this fails. I observed the same back in Xcode 13 on macOS. But there I could force-cast the IOSurface to a IOSurfaceRef: let image = CIImage(ioSurface: surface as! IOSurfaceRef) This cast fails at runtime on Catalyst. I found that unsafeBitCast(surface, to: IOSurfaceRef.self) actually works on Catalyst, but it feels very wrong. Am I missing something? Why aren't the types bridgeable on Catalyst? Also, there should ideally be an init for CIImage that takes an IOSurface instead of a ref.
Disable iOS Screen Mirroring for Apps
Hello Apple, I am concerned about the new iOS Screen Mirroring that is available on iOS. I have an app that is only meant to be viewed on iPhones (not Macs or Computers, due to security reasons. I am assuming that Screen Mirroring is using AirPlay underneath, otherwise is there an API being planned or coming that can disable this functionality or is there a way for my app to opt out out of iOS Screen Mirroring? Thanks.
Integrating Apple Music Subscriptions into a React Native App
Hi everyone, I'm currently developing an iOS app using React Native and recently got accepted into the Apple Music Global Affiliate Program. To fully utilize this opportunity, I need to implement the following functionalities: Authorize Apple Music usage Play Apple Music within my app Identify if a user has an Apple Music subscription Initiate and complete Apple Music subscription within my app I've successfully implemented the first three functionalities using the react-native-apple-music module. Now, I need your help to understand how I can directly trigger the Apple Music subscription process from within my app. Thank you for your help!
How to identify audio and video AVCaptureDevices that are from the same hardware?
I'm working on a macOS application that captures audio and video. When the user selects a video capture source (most likely an elgato box), I would like the application to automatically select the audio input from the same device. I was achieving this by pairing video and audio sources that had the same name, but this doesn't work when the user plugs in two capture devices of the same make and model. With the command system_profiler SPUSBDataType I can list all the USB devices, and I can see that the two elgato boxes have different serial numbers. If I could find this serial number, then I could figure out which AVCaptureDevices come from the same hardware. Is there a way to get the manufacturer's serial number from the AVCaptureDevice object? Or a way to identify the USB device for an AVCaptureDevice, and from there I could get the serial or some other unique ID?
Get downloaded tracks when querying MPMediaItem and can't detect them
Hello, We've a music app reading MPMediaItem. We got items using MPMediaQuery. But we realized that some downloaded tracks from Apple Music were fetched too. Not all downloaded track but only those who were played recently. Of course, since these tracks are protected with DRM we can't play them in our player. It's weird to get them in our query because we added predicate in order to dont fetch protected asset and iCloud item MPMediaPropertyPredicate(value: false, forProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyHasProtectedAsset) MPMediaPropertyPredicate(value: false, forProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyIsCloudItem) To be sure, we made a second check on each item we've fetched extension MPMediaItem { public func isValid() -> Bool { return self.assetURL != nil && !self.isCloudItem && !self.hasProtectedAsset } } But we still get these items. Their hasProtectedAsset attribute always return false. I dont know if it's a bug, but since we can't detect this items as Apple Music downloaded track, we can't either: filter them to not add them in our application library OR switch on a MPMusicPlayerController.applicationMusicPlayer to allow the user to play them
RPBroadcastSampleHandler crashes while processing payload
We have an app with a broadcast extension with a RPBroadcastSampleHandler. The implementation is working fine, however for quite some users the extension suddenly crashes during the broadcast. The stacktrace stacktrace of the crashing thread always looks like the shortened sample below. (Full crash reports and stack traces are attached to the submitted Feedbacks.) Looking at the stacktrace none of our code is running, just ReplayKit code handling XPC messages at that moment: Thread: #0 0x00000001e2cf342c in __pthread_kill () #1 0x00000001f6a51c0c in pthread_kill () #2 0x00000001a1bfaba0 in abort () #3 0x00000001a9e38588 in malloc_vreport () #4 0x00000001a9e35430 in malloc_zone_error () [...] #18 0x0000000218ac91bc in -[RPBroadcastSampleHandler processPayload:completion:] () #19 0x0000000198b81360 in __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_EXPORTED_OBJECT_S2__ () Is anyone aware of there issues with ReplayKit? Are there known workarounds? Could anything we're doing affect crashes like this? Would greatly appreciate it if anyone from Apple DTS could look into this and flag the below Feedbacks to the relevant teams! Feedback IDs: FB13949098, FB13949188
GroupSessionJournal attachment loading error
Hello, currently working on a shareplay feature that allows users to pull 3d models from icloud and view it via volumes/immersive space on the vision pro. Was able to get the sharing working with multiple windows recently so now all that's left is to be able to sync/share the model in the SharePlay session. As I understand it, we should generally use GroupSessionMessenger for commands and light data like model positioning/syncing properties. Whereas for bigger pieces of data (images/videos/models), we should send these through GroupSessionJournal which the group session manages and syncs it for all users in the call. I have a button to get the current user's model data and add it to the journal via /// modelData is type `Data` try await journal.add(modelData) I have also set up a task to observe/receive updates to the journal's attachments in when receiving a group session. for await groupSession in MyModelActivity.sessions() { ... tasks.insert { Task { for await attachments in journal.attachments { for attachment in attachments { do { let modelData = try await attachment.load(Data.self) // throws error here - `notSupported` let modelUrl = writeModelDataToTempDirectory(modelData: modelData) self.modelUrlToLoadForGroupSession = modelUrl } catch let error { print("Error: \(error)") } } } } } } Not quite sure why I'm running into an error being thrown when attempting to load the attachment data on the other devices, any thoughts? The documentation for add(_:) and load(_:) say that the attachment should conform to Transferable but Data.Type should already conform to Transferable
Music Kit for web app
Hello there, I am faced with the following situation: We are building a web app that manages playlists for different platforms, including Apple music We have the concept of teams in there, where a user can be part of multiple teams, and teams are managed by team admin A team admin could manage multiple teams The problem here is, that a team admin wouldn't be able to sign in to the Apple music account for multiple teams because if using the same computer we try to let the user sign in once and store the Music User Token, we can't do another login unless we unauthorized the previous one. Is there anything we can do about this? Thanks
WWDC24 iPhone Mirroring API
Hello everyone, I am thrilled about the iPhone Mirroring demo on WWDC24 and I have a few thoughts to share. Will it work through a local network, or can the iPhone be accessed within a global network? Will there be an API to initiate iPhone mirroring via an app? This would be a great feature for MDMs, allowing administrators to provide support for their users. Could you share more details from the development perspective?
UIImageView is caching all of my images causing memory issues
I'm using a UIImageView to display album artwork when playing music. Every time new artwork is loaded, the memory usage increases. I'm using ARC and tried a autoreleasepool around the code. If I put the app in the background, the cache clears and it starts using up memory again. Here's my code: - (void) showArtwork { @autoreleasepool { MPMediaItem *currentItem = [self.musicPlayer nowPlayingItem]; if (currentItem) { MPMediaItemArtwork *artwork = [currentItem valueForProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork]; if (artwork) { UIImage *artworkImage = [artwork imageWithSize: CGSizeMake (339, 339)]; if (artworkImage) { [self.appCoverArt setImage: artworkImage]; } } } } } musicPlayer is the systemMusicPlayer appCoverArt is my UIIMageView 1. Is there a way to release an image from UIImageView before assigning a new image? 2. Is there a way to clear the pool other than putting the app in the background (which does clear the memory)?
Filtering background process "windows" during capture
I am trying to take a screenshot of each running window on the screen independently (even if not in the foreground). I am using SCScreenshotManager's captureImageWithFilter and SCContentFilter's initWithDesktopIndependentWindow. When I do this for every SCWindow in SCShareableContent's windows, I do get all the actual windows, but also get many mostly blank windows or windows that no ordinary user would consider to be an actual window. These include dozens of windows with no title, some with "Focus Proxy" title, some for menu bar icons, the wallpaper, the desktop icons, etc. I've implemented a naive solution that filters all windows that have no title, owningApplications with no title or bundle ID in a hardcoded blocklist (e.g. "com.apple.controlcenter", "com.apple.wallpaper.agent") and that helps, but is far from robust and is naturally fragile. Is there a recommended way to distinguish actual application windows or an overall better approach here? Thanks!
May ’24
AudioMidi.app / Music.app drift sync
When I connect my MacBook to my living room AirPort (older gen wallwart) via Music app, the music output in both rooms is synced. When I try to setup a Multi-Output Device in AudioMidi setup, I'm not able to get them synced. I'm outputting to the same devices, they're all on the same sample rate, and I've played with the various settings (Primary Clock Source and Drift Sync). What gives? How are these connections different? Intel MacBook Pro 2018 running Sonoma 14.5
May ’24
Screenshot with ScreenCaptureKit much larger than with Command-Shift-3
I am capturing a screenshot with SCScreenshotManager's captureImageWithFilter. The resulting PNG has the same resolution as the PNG taken from Command-Shift-3 (4112x2658) but is 10x larger (14.4MB vs 1.35MB). My SCStreamConfiguration uses the SCDisplay's width and height and sets the color space to kCGColorSpaceSRGB. I currently save to file by initializing a NSBitmapImageRep using initWithCGImage, then representing as PNG with representationUsingType NSBitmapImageFileTypePNG, then writeToFile:atomically. Is there some configuration or compression I can use to bring down the PNG size to be more closely in-line with a Command-Shift-3 screenshot. Thanks!
May ’24