Location Push Extension Cannot Wake after 10 mins

Hi team,

I'm developing a feature that's collecting the device locations for home security app.

We've been following https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/creating-a-location-push-service-extension

apns-push-type set to location. apns-priority set to 5.

during testing, we found that the device's notification extension cannot be triggered after device going into lock screen for 10 mins.

Wonder should we set the priority to 10? Thanks!

When the priority is set to 5, the delivery of the push may not be immediate. And it will depend on the device's power state.

APNs will optimize the power use, and may delay delivery of priority 5 pushes until the device is awake or is already being woken up due to another priority 10 push.

So, the priority is up to you. If your need for the location is not immediate, then you can minimize your app's power cost by setting the priority to 5. If you need an immediate response no matter what, then you can set it to 10.

If the device is in low power mode, then even priority 10 may not be enough to wake it up to send the push and run your extension.

Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies

Location Push Extension Cannot Wake after 10 mins