OSAllocatedLock and sending

Are there any plans to add RBI support (the sending keyword) to the OSAllocatedLock interface? So it could be used with non-sendable objects without surrendering to the unchecked API

Answered by DTS Engineer in 826905022
Are there any plans …

We can’t discuss The Future™ here on DevForums. My advice is that, if you’d like to see a change like this, you should file a bug explaining what you’d like to see changed. Please post your bug number, just for the record.

As to what you can do today, Swift’s built-in Mutex type does have various sending annotations. If your deployment target allows it, that’s an easy way to get this feature.

Oh, and even if your deployment target doesn’t allow you to use Mutex, I recommend that you play around with it anyway. My experience is that it doesn’t help as much as I’d like it to. The issue is that Swift has no mechanism to indicate that a closure is only called once, so code like this doesn’t work:

import Synchronization

class Nonsendable { }

let mutex = Mutex(Nonsendable())

func test(sending instance: Nonsendable) {
    mutex.withLock { state in
        state = instance
 // ^ 'inout sending' parameter 'state' cannot be task-isolated at end of function

So, before you file your ER, make sure that your request will actually help.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

Are there any plans …

We can’t discuss The Future™ here on DevForums. My advice is that, if you’d like to see a change like this, you should file a bug explaining what you’d like to see changed. Please post your bug number, just for the record.

As to what you can do today, Swift’s built-in Mutex type does have various sending annotations. If your deployment target allows it, that’s an easy way to get this feature.

Oh, and even if your deployment target doesn’t allow you to use Mutex, I recommend that you play around with it anyway. My experience is that it doesn’t help as much as I’d like it to. The issue is that Swift has no mechanism to indicate that a closure is only called once, so code like this doesn’t work:

import Synchronization

class Nonsendable { }

let mutex = Mutex(Nonsendable())

func test(sending instance: Nonsendable) {
    mutex.withLock { state in
        state = instance
 // ^ 'inout sending' parameter 'state' cannot be task-isolated at end of function

So, before you file your ER, make sure that your request will actually help.

Share and Enjoy

Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

OSAllocatedLock and sending