I'm working on the control widget which should display the SF image on the UI, but I have found that it cannot be displayed stably. I have three ExampleControlWidget which is about the type egA egB and egC, it should all be showed but now they only show the text and placeholder. I'm aware of the images should be SF image and I can see them to show perfectly sometimes, but in other time it is just failed. This's really confused me, can anyone help me out?
public enum ControlWidgetType: Sendable {
case egA
case egB
case egC
public var imageName: String {
switch self {
case .egA:
return "egA"
case .egB:
return "egB"
case .egC:
return "egC"
struct ExampleControlWidget: ControlWidget {
var body: some ControlWidgetConfiguration {
kind: kind,
provider: Provider()
) { example in
isOn: example.state.isOn,
action: ExampleControlWidgetIntent(id: example.id),
valueLabel: { isOn in
statusText: isOn ? Localization.on.text : Localization.off.text,
bundle: bundle,
widgetType: .egA //or .egB .egC
public struct ExampleControlWidgetView: View {
private let statusText: String
private let bundle: Bundle
private var widgetType: ControlWidgetType = .egA
public init(statusText: String, bundle: Bundle, widgetType: ControlWidgetType) {
self.statusText = statusText
self.bundle = bundle
self.widgetType = widgetType
public var body: some View {
image: .init(
name: widgetType.imageName,
// the SF Symbol image id bundled in the Widget extension
bundle: bundle
This is the normal display:
These are the display that do not show properly:
The results has no rules at all, I have tried to completely uninstall the APP and reinstall but the result is same.