Since tvOS 18.4 beta (22L5218l) i have the issue that When I turn off an Apple TV, the Apple TV and the connected TV turn off, but after a few seconds the devices start again.
This never happened before. But now it is happening with 3 different Apple TV generations on 2 LG and 1 Telefunken TVs. All 3 Apple TV devices have been updated to tvOS 18.4 beta (22L5218l) and since then show this error.
I noticed something else that ultimately led me to a workaround.
If I activate the screen saver immediately after closing a video streaming app (using the back button on the home screen), the screen saver appears and then disappears again after a few seconds. If I press the back button again, the screen saver remains active.
This indicates that a few seconds after closing an app, the Apple TV device does something else and thereby activates the home screen again or something similar.
What I do now is press the home button once and then wait 5-10 seconds. Only then do I turn off the Apple TV and devices connected via HDMI using the power button on the Siri remote control. Then the error does not occur.