how to convert mlmodel to reference object?


I have downloaded and run the sample object tracking app for visionos.

Now I'm working on my own objects for tracking. I have made a model using Create ML using images of my object.

However, I cannot see how to convert the Create ML output file (***.mlmodel) into a reference object like the files in the sample project.

is there a tool for converting them?


Hi @jelemans

You can download the .referenceobject from CreateML. Follow these steps:

  • In the same window you trained the model, select "Model Source" from the left pane.
  • Click "Output" near the top center of the pane to right of the left pane.
  • Look for a download icon (square with down arrow) that says "Get" on the upper right side of the same pane.

Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Confirm you see a green check icon with "Completed Training" on the bottom of the CreateML window.
  • Confirm you created the model using "Object Tracking" and not "Object Detection".

Please mark this as correct if it unblocks you or follow up so I can help more.

Thanks. I did, in fact, use object detection instead of tracking.

how to convert mlmodel to reference object?