
Hello everyone,

I have added a Settings.bundle to my Xcode project, but it does not appear in the iOS app settings. The file is correctly copied into the target, but nothing shows up in the settings. I have already checked and tried several things, but without success.

What I've tried so far:

Ensuring that Settings.bundle is included in the project: Settings.bundle is listed under Build Phases → Copy Bundle Resources. Checking the structure of Root.plist: The file exists and has the following structure:

Checking the structure of Root.plist

-it has

Checking if the file is included in the app

-it is

Restarting the simulator and reinstalling the app

I reset the simulator and reinstalled the app completely, but the issue persists.

Did you register UserDefaults:

        UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: defaults) //  connect to Root.pList

This is usually done in

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

I suspect @Climber1987Muc is referring to the issue of the app settings not appearing at all in the system settings on iOS simulator version 18.2 and later; see this thread for one discussion.

@Scott thank you :)
