I'm developing a companion watch app for an already existing iOS app, and everything seems to be working fine compiling it for the simulator, however when I try to archive it so I can make it available on TestFlight XCode throws the error "The stickers icon set or app icon set named "AppIcon" did not have any applicable content"
even though the app icon is in the assets.
The icon works and appears fine under the Simulator but I can't seem to archive it, even after renaming it to something else.
I managed to solve this by going into the target's build settings and I noticed that my watch app's "Supported Platforms" setting was set to iOS
in its release version, as soon as I changed it back to watchOS
the icon error went away. I guess since the release version was set to iOS
XCode was looking for a different type of icon set.
Still, they should include a more descriptive error message 🤔