Server Not Receiving Apple App Store Server Notification


Our server isn't receiving Apple App Store Server Notification for in-app purchases.

It works for Sandbox Server, even I sent a test notification which I received on the Production Server URL, but the real in-app payment notification isn't coming to the server.

I checked this already: and everything here has been reviewed.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) version and others things mentioned have been checked, test notification was received. But the main in-app purchase notification for live transaction isn't coming. What's the issue precisely?

Answered by bethelmolokwu in 828224022

I got this response from the Feedback Assistance

Engineering has provided the following information regarding this issue:

The ONE_TIME_CHARGE notification is currently available only in the sandbox environment.

Apple doesn't send notifications for consumable in live environment, it is only available in the sandbox environment

Accepted Answer

I got this response from the Feedback Assistance

Engineering has provided the following information regarding this issue:

The ONE_TIME_CHARGE notification is currently available only in the sandbox environment.

Apple doesn't send notifications for consumable in live environment, it is only available in the sandbox environment

Server Not Receiving Apple App Store Server Notification