While troubleshooting Tap to Pay on iPhone, it is essential that the developer is able to collect logs on their device and check those logs for error messages. This is also essential when reporting issues to Apple. To gather the required data for your own debugging as well as reporting issues, please perform the following steps on the test device:
- Install the Tap to Pay profile on your iPhone.
- Reproduce the issue and make a note of the timestamp when the issue occurred, while optionally capturing screenshots or video.
- Gather a sysdiagnose on the same iPhone.
- Create a Feedback Assistant report with the following information:
- The bundle ID
- The serial number of the device.
- For iOS, open Settings > General > About (tap and hold to copy).
- The SEID (Secure Element Identifier) of the device, represented as a HEX encoded string.
- For iOS, open Settings > General > About > SEID (tap and hold to copy).
- The sysdiagnose gathered after reproducing the issue.
- The timestamp (including timezone) of when the issue was reproduced.
- Screenshots or videos of errors and unexpected behaviors (optional).
Submitting Your Feedback
After your submission to Feedback Assistant is complete, please respond to your post with the Feedback ID. Once received, I can begin my investigation and determine if this issue is caused by an error within your app, a configuration issue within your developer account, app configuration, or an underlying system bug.
Paris X Pinkney | WWDR | DTS Engineer