Do MDM Certificates work after Apple Developer Account Expiry? Do they continue to work after renewal?

I have an issue with my MDM setup. The Push notification that installs and updates configuration profile in the device is no longer working. It was working

before Apple developer account got expired

we renewed our apple developer account and then retried and we got the device enrollment working just fine. Now when we are updating configuration profile and MDM server is supposed to notify the device using push notification, this is the part where its not working.

Are the certs faulty now since the account was expired? Would just renewal of the Push cert work? Will I have to setup the certs all over again?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

We are not able to check or confirm your certificates and their status in the forums.

If you are the MDM customer, please contact your vendor for assistance.

If you are the MDM developer, please contact AppleCare Professional Support by phone for assistance. (You can find the numbers for your relevant region here: Then ask to be transferred to AppleCare Professional Support. For more information, please visit

Do MDM Certificates work after Apple Developer Account Expiry? Do they continue to work after renewal?