Hi Everyone,
I was able to create the String Catalog with all my strings getting automatic into the stringCatalog except the strings from my models where is not swiftUI and where all I have a class with a lot of info for my app.
Some classes are short and I was able to just make the strings localizable by adding on every line: (String(localized: "Telefone"))
But I have one class which has Line: 1071 and Col: 1610 and every line I have 7 strings that needs to get localized. These 7 strings are repeated on every line.
So I was trying to create a localization for these 7 strings on this class without having to write (String(localized: "Telefone")) 7 times on every line.
is there a way?
Here is short version of my class:
import Foundation
class LensStructFilter: Identifiable {
var description: String
init(description: String) {
self.description = description
let lensEntriesFilter: [LensStructFilter] = [
LensStructFilter(description: "Focal: 24mm \nAbertura Máxima: F2.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,30m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 52mm \nPeso: 275g \n\nFocal: 35mm \nAbertura Máxima: F2.0 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,25m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 52mm \nPeso: 205g \n\nFocal: 50mm \nAbertura Máxima: F1.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,45m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 52mm \nPeso: 185g \n\nFocal: 85mm \nAbertura Máxima: F1.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,80m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 67mm \nPeso: 350g \n\nFocal: 105mm MACRO \nAbertura Máxima: F2.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,31m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 62mm \nPeso: 720g"),
LensStructFilter(description: "Focal: 16-35mm \nAbertura Máxima: F2.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: EF \nFoco Mínimo: 0,28m \nDiâmetro Frontal (rosca): 82mm \nPeso: 790Kg"),