App Review - Guideline 5.0 U.S. embargoed territory

Hello, does anyone have any experience with this app submission issue. I'm unable to find a reference to this file:

Guideline 5.0 - Legal

We have identified that the app contains functionality that is connected to a U.S. embargoed territory. Specifically, the app includes the following link/s in the binary:

App Review has some idiotic bit of artificial stoopidity that scans your app for the string “ir” and if it finds it, rejects the app for being associated with evil Iran.

The only way to fix this is to remove that text. My guess is that you are using some sort of 3rd-party app builder, right? If that’s true, ask them about the problem - you won’t be the first, it might even be a FAQ. If not, come back here and maybe someone will have some suggestions about how to track down, and rename, the offending code.

Rest of the world, watch out. Right now I think just about anywhere - Mexico, Canada! - could find itself on the US sanctions list and subject to this sort of treatment.

We submitted the flutter app yesterday and received the same message during the review process. There is no way we will add Iranian domains, as our business operates solely in India. We thoroughly checked all the network requests in our app, and besides OneSignal and our own domain, we didn’t find any other requests. Additionally, we reviewed the source code of all dependencies and found no references to the domain. We also examined the binary of the dependency using the strings command, but again, no mention of this domain was found. If anyone has a solution, please share it with us.

@xbrdr1 Could you please share your pubspec.yaml file? We're facing a similar issue and aren't sure if it's related to Flutter. We're using Flutter version 3.24.3.

We've already reviewed the source code of the dependencies, but haven't found any issues yet. If you could provide the dependencies you're using, we can compare them and see if there are any differences that might be causing the problem. We'll update you here if we find any leads.

Another 'victim' emailed me directly and shared their dependencies. The one similar one we both had was 'screenshot'. I have removed that, submitted, and 'waiting to review':

dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter google_fonts: ^5.0.0 provider: ^6.1.1 fluttertoast: ^8.1.1 multi_select_flutter: ^4.1.3 intl: ^0.19.0 gap: ^3.0.1 intersperse: ^2.0.0 responsive_framework: ^1.4.0 two_dimensional_scrollables: ^0.1.1 adaptive_theme: ^3.6.0 recase: ^4.1.0 go_router: ^13.2.0 async: ^2.7.0 rxdart: ^0.27.2 http: ^1.2.0 fl_chart: ^0.69.2 flutter_secure_storage: ^8.0.0 cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2 flutter_svg: ^2.0.5 package_info_plus: ^8.2.1

App Review - Guideline 5.0 U.S. embargoed territory