DUNS Name Update Delay – Can I Enroll with Old Name and Update Later?

Hello everyone,

I recently purchased a company (AAA) and renamed it to BBB. While the name has been updated locally in the Czech DUNS database, I’ve been informed it could take 4–6 weeks for the new name to appear internationally.

When I attempt to enroll in the Apple Developer Program, I still see the old company name (AAA). I’m worried about losing valuable time if I have to wait for the international DUNS update.

Is there any way to proceed with the enrollment under the old name and then update it to the new name later once the global DUNS data is refreshed? Or is there a way to expedite the update process?

Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Keep It Simple. Just wait for the update to happen. Be patient.

Yeah maybe Apple could change the name later, but that could also take "4-6 weeks". Or something could go wrong, and you'd be left with a borked account.

DUNS Name Update Delay – Can I Enroll with Old Name and Update Later?