Apple Developer Program

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Create and deliver software for users around the world on Apple platforms using the the tools, resources, and support included with Apple Developer Program membership.

Apple Developer Program Documentation






Accessing Music on iPhone
I have a number of albums on my iPhone 15 Pro Max that were put there by a third party app (MediaMonkey). I've just installed the Public Beta of iOS 18 on my phone and MediaMonkey doesn't support that yet for updating. I've tried iTunes and the Apple Music and Apple Devices apps on my Windows 11 machine but have not been able to "see" the actual music that's on my phone. When I select Library or Music, I see music that was on my wife's account a couple of phones ago. Any suggestions?
Apple Vision Pro change audio output
Hello, Does anyone have any idea how to manually change the audio output in the Apple Vision Pro in VisionOS 2? If I have both AirPods Pro 2. Generation in the ears I get the sound via the AirPods but if I only have one in it and they are still connected, the sound is played by the speakers of the AVP. I also deactivated Bluetooth on my iPhone and MacBook so that they can't connect. I also tried to pair them again but didn't do anything. As shown there aren't my AirPods to select to make them my audio output they are connected to the AVP. only if I have both in my ears the sound will come from my AirPods. Thanks in advance for the answers!
NSMetaDataItemQueryDidFinishGathering not called
I've been trying to grab the NSMetaDataItems for a collection of items in a known file location outside the main App Container (I want to manage the documents in place rather than copying them into the app container to manage). I think I've worked out the code to start the query, but the NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGathering notification is never being called. I've tried changing the predicate comparator from '==' to '==[cd]' to 'LIKE' to 'BEGINSWITH' and nothing works. I also found a resource that said it was because it's not being called on the main queue, so I added code for that. But it's still not being called. I've been stumped on this for months. Any help would be appreciated. NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: Selector(("initialGathercomplete:")), name: NSNotification.Name.NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGathering, object:nil) metadataQuery.notificationBatchingInterval = 1 metadataQuery.searchScopes = [NSMetadataQueryUbiquitousDataScope] metadataQuery.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K ==[cd] %@", NSMetadataItemPathKey, libraryPath) metadataQuery.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: NSMetadataItemFSNameKey, ascending: true)] DispatchQueue.main.async{ self.metadataQuery.start() }
AirPods Pro 2 Beta without installing Sequoia?
I had my phone set up earlier with developer mode already on before 18 Betas came out. In my settings I can see the install pre-release software for AirPods, and it's turned on, but nothing has installed yet. I don't have Sequoia running on my computer at this something that absolutely HAS to be on in order to get the AirPods beta, or is that step simply only needed to turn on developer mode?
Severe Lag on MacBook Air Due to 'CursorUIViewService' Not Responding
Hello Everyone, I want to seek a solution here for an issue I mentioned on because Apple Support said I could get a faster response. I've also submitted the issue to Apple Support, and they said it's currently with an Apple Engineer, but things are moving a bit slowly there. I'm writing the similar explanation I wrote on the discussion forum here as well. It's been months, and I hope we can get a result here: Here is the problem I've noticed that the "CursorUIViewService" process in Activity Monitor is becoming 'not responding' and causing significant lag on my MacBook Air (M3), especially when typing and switching between upper and lower case letters. It appears this process also controls the blue caps-lock indicator, which stops working when the process is unresponsive. This issue seems to cause the lag, and currently, it is using about 170MB of RAM. Isn't it interesting? Additionally, the "" process also becomes unresponsive , though it usually doesn't exceed 3.5MB of RAM. Actually, this process becomes 'not responding' much more frequently compared to the CursorUIViewService process. However, to tell the truth, I can't see a performance problem when process becomes 'not responding', but the possibility that it might be related to CursorUIViewService pushed me to research this issue as well. I can see that there have been complaints about this process for years, but it seems no solution is being produced. By the way, I've tried everything. I did a clean install, ran diagnostics, performed first aid, and still encountered the problem. Has anyone else experienced this issue or found a solution? Thank you!
iOS 18 screen time crashing bug
i just downloaded the iOS 18 beta yesterday and now my phones (iPhone 15 pro) screen time keeps crashing. when I reach my limit and input the screen time code it won’t respond and keeps me locked out. when I went into the settings to just turn off screen time the entire settings app just freezes and then crashes entirely. I’ve tried restarting the phone several times and nothing has any impact and can’t find anything online except a lot of other people having the same issue without a fix.
Idea for development IOS. Сhange contact list behavior
example: A man wants to call "Maria". Opens Contacts\ Writes "Mar"/ He is offered a list, filtered by "Mar"/ Man calling.../ 1 hour passes or he wants to call another person/ Opens Contacts/ He is offered a list, filtered by "Mar"!!!!!! / a person is forced to delete “Mar”, make extra clicks, waste time / For what? What is the probability of a call to Maria? Can be done - The list filter is deleted after a call or sleep mode