Introducing myself

Hello! I just realized thaty I had signed up for this developer account some time ago without making any meaningful attempt to introduce myself other than attending a few of the Apple meetups at NeurIPS and ICML conferences. As a quick introduction I come from a background in open source development, most notably associated with the "Automunge" python library for dataframe encodings / missing data infill. I also have some background supporting Apple in context of volunteering as an executive officer for an IEEE Standards Association working group developing floating point arithmetic / data types for machine learning. Beyond that have been a dedicated user with frequent product feedback to various channels over the years. I am currently self employed and focussing on building an IP portfolio and investing. I am always open to share dialogue as to how to help advance the field, hope that I might get a chance to meet a few more of this communty at some point. Best regards, Nicholas Teague

Introducing myself