Problems with new Developer ID certificate

My Developer ID certificate will expire in few days, so I downloaded and installed new certificate in login keychain. However my key is still linked to my old certificate. I have my .p12 but even if I delete the old certificate from login keychain and reinstall the .12 file, my old certificate reappears in the login keychain.

I tried to select the new certificate in the login keychain and choose Files > Export Items (in Keychain Access) but in the Save dialog under File Format the "Personal Information Exchange (.p12)" option is grayed out. How can I generate a key/.p12 file that will be linked to my new certificate?

It’s hard to say exactly what’s going on here without more info about the credentials in play. Specifically, when you created the new certificate, did you use the same private/public key pair as the you used for the old certificate?

The easiest way to check that is to view the certificate (using Keychain Access, Quick Look in the Finder, or whatever) and look at the Public Key Info > Public Key field. Do the old and new certificates match?

ps I have a bunch of general info about Developer ID in The Care and Feeding of Developer ID. I recommend that you read that at some point, but it doesn’t cover this specific case.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Problems with new Developer ID certificate