SSL Client Authentication in Java using macOS Keychainstore

Hi All,

I have a java based application trying to do SSL client authentication.

My organization has supplied the SSO certificates with key marked as non exportable.

I load the certificates using macOS implementation of Java KeystoreAPI called "KeychainStore " .

Then java tries to export the key material in JVM and tries to authenticate with the peer. But this step is failing since the key marked is non exportable.

Can anything be done here ? is there any workaround ?

Best Regards,

Then java tries to export the key material in JVM and tries to authenticate with the peer. But this step is failing since the key marked is non exportable.

Right. The only option here is to do the crypto operations using Apple APIs, which work regardless of whether the key is exportable or not. If you use Apple’s built-in TLS (Secure Transport, or anything layered on top of it), this happens by default. I don’t know enough about Java to say whether there’s a way to convince it to use the system’s TLS.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Hi Eskimo,

Thanks for the reply.

So as i conclude that it will be possible through Apple APIs may not be the otpion.

Are you also aware of how browsers achieve this ?

Best Regards,

So as i conclude that it will be possible through Apple APIs ... java may not be the otpion.

I would expect that Java’s networking stack is flexible enough for you to either:

  • Replace its TLS with code that calls Secure Transport

  • Replace its public key crypto with code that calls the Security framework

However, I don’t know enough about Java to help you with that.

Are you also aware of how browsers achieve this ?

Safari uses NSURLSession, which uses Secure Transport for TLS. Non-Apple browsers either use Secure Transport (directly or indirectly) or plug Apple’s public key crypto into the bottom of their TLS stack.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
SSL Client Authentication in Java using macOS Keychainstore