Hi everyone, I'm trying to develop an App in applescript to send an email with an html form, Its a quality survey for our clients, and the idea is convert it to an automatic process. My question is how to send html content with mail using applescript. When I set up theMessege to get html content, doesn't work ...send mail but without html content.... I'm currently doing it using safari and the "email contents of document 1" after opening the html file that ive created before but the problem its that I can't choose the sender account and have to fill it manualy. befor to send mail.....Below its the code that I can't get it to work fine,....thanks
on enviaEmail(theRecipientAddress, theSender, theSubject, theContentHtml, theRecipientAddressName)
tell application "Mail"
set elMensaje to make new outgoing message with properties {sender:theSender, subject:theSubject, visible:false}
tell elMensaje
set html content to theContentHtml
make new recipient at the end of recipients with properties {name:theRecipientAddressName, address:theRecipientAddress}
display notification "Se ha enviado el correo para los destinatarios: " & theRecipientAddress with title "Con asunto: " & theSubject subtitle "Es un correo de " & theRecipientAddressName sound name "frog"
end tell
end tell
end enviaEmail
I've try too with this other option (next below )and even changing "html content:theContentHtml" to other places as in properties of new recipient, or changing visible to true or false...
on enviaEmail(theRecipientAddress, theSender, theSubject, theContentHtml, theRecipientAddressName)
tell application "Mail"
set elMensaje to make new outgoing message with properties {sender:theSender, subject:theSubject, html content:theContentHtml,visible:false}
tell elMensaje
make new recipient at the end of recipients with properties {name:theRecipientAddressName, address:theRecipientAddress}
display notification "Se ha enviado el correo para los destinatarios: " & theRecipientAddress with title "Con asunto: " & theSubject subtitle "Es un correo de " & theRecipientAddressName sound name "frog"
end tell
end tell
end enviaEmail