How can we create custom CNContainers?

Hello everybody!

I am currently writing a Cordova Native Plugin for Contact Synchronisation on Android and iOS.

The existing one is not enough, because it just allows you to add, edit and delete local on-device contacts.

My requirement is to add "Contact Providers" like Facebook or Viber, which means that I want to add

  • a seperate group of contacts,
  • that is not editable
  • and defined with our own name and icon.

During my research i found this unanswered stackoverflow question and this mainly unanswered apple developer forum entry.

Both want to accomplish the same, but neither has found a solution.

The Android-version of the plugin is working, but it seems that an API to create CNContainers is not available on iOS.

I really hope that I just do not find the API, but it is exposed by Apple!

Thank you very much in advance,


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Did you come up with a solution? I have the same requirements, considering implementing my own CardDav server...