Failed to set plugin placeholders for com.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxExtension


I am trying to create my first stand alone sticker pack for iMessage.

The app compiles fine, but when the Simulartor starts, it throws out the below error:

"Failed to set plugin placeholders for com.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.StickerPackExtension"

I've done extensive searches for this error with no sucess.

Thanks in advance.

Dan Uff


Can anyone help me???

I had the same problem. What worked for me is deleting the DerivedData folder. The exact steps are:

1. Quit xCode

2. Open the ~user/Library/Developer/xCode folder

3. Delete the DerivedData folder

4. Restart xCode

That did it for me. Maybe it will for you too.

Does not work.

In your info.plist, try setting your bundle identifier to: $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)

The exact same problem has occurred.

I do not know the solution.

I had the same problem today. In my situation I had a different identifier in my original app than in the extension identifier "base". The extension has to have the same identifier as the original app plus something else. E.g:

Dummy App:

Dummy App Extension:

After Xcode told me that, I changed my wrong names to look like above and then the problem occured.

The problem was, that I had "automatic manage signing" turned on but xcode didn't recognize that I changed the identifier.


Just change the identifier again and chek if in "automatic manage signing" a new provisonig profile was created.

Deleting derived data may also helps.

This Helped. Thank you

This worked for me, Thanks