XCUITest vs. UIAutomation in Instruments


Want to get your opinion on using XCUITest via XCode 7 or would you continue to use the Automation instrument in Instruments. With Instruments, I could run both Automation scripts as well as other Instruments such as allocation, leaks etc. Please share your thoughts on your choice.


From what I understand, the new XCUITest is built on top of the old UI Automation framework, with considerable improvements. If you were to keep using UI Automation through Instruments, wouldn't you be required to use JavaScript?

The old UI Automation support in Instruments is deprecated. UI testing in XCTest is the replacement, and where our efforts will be focused going forward.

UI testing in XCTest is not built on top of the existing UI Automation framework.

If XCTest is the replacement for UIAutomation, can you help me find the equivalent for UIATarget.setLocation()?

Xcode 14.3 and later includes support for this. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xctest/xcuidevice/4111083-location