It be much easier to explain with an image, but I can not attach anything here.
Please use this page as reference:
Section Layout, last topic "Provide a full-screen experience" which shows the iPhone X with the safe area in blue.
Look at the landscape orientation. The complete region left and right of the safe area is sufficient in size to place information.
Especially the side opposite of the notch (camera) is a large area.
I am mostly working on games or apps with Open GL and all elements are custom drawn and do not use the native UI.
As is the cast with most of those types of apps.
Currently the API only provides us with this safe area.
Lets say I like to place a coin or score text on the screen, out of the way so it does not interfere with the playing area, yet it must be visible.
Before iPhone X and the safe area might align the text to the top left position, 0,0 in pixel coordinate.
But taking into account potential regions which might be obscured, I am using the safe area. Hence it would be moved much further to the right since the safe area is extended further than what I would need in my case.
The same is true for all other kinds of information, I can only rely on the safe area and cannot play anything which is important outside out it since it could potentially be hidden.
If we had knowledge of the actual regions which are covered, we can use the space much more efficiently.
Also it allows to come up with much more creative and artistic ways otherwise not possible.
I have already seen apps which place their own icons next to the home indicator.
Many will follow and will most likely adopt to the corners and the notch.
As soon as a new iOS device will be released with a chance in any of those specs, the apps will break, and it will look bad.
So, I propose to prevent all this by providing sufficient information.
And while I am at it, someone please a way to retrieve the actual physical screen size in inches or centimeters.