Will Apple start deprecating or stop supporting ObjectiveC?

I have developed a application for my client (product based company) in ObjectiveC for past 4 years. Now, looking at the progress that Swift is making, I am confused if I am being left behind. My mind is full of below question:

  • Will Apple start deprecating or stop supporting ObjectiveC sooner or later

    if Yes, how long from now (approx or any hint from Apple)

  • Is it right time to start migrating or wait for couple of more Swift versions
  • Statistics about apps migrated/being migrated. How many apps are in ObjectiveC & Swift

Any pointers to above queries is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I would really doubt any deprecation of ObjC in foreseeable future. The legacy (including at Apple's) is too large.

Swift 4 is close to stability. It is promised for Swift5. At this point, all future versions will be upward compatible. But I feel Swift4 is stable enough if you want to move now.

There is no such stats AFAIK.

May have a look here (more than 1 year old however): h ttps://www.quora.com/What-percentage-of-iOS-apps-are-written-in-Swift-vs-Objective-C-as-of-April-2016

Statistics from Dec 2017 show that Swift has just passed over ObjC: they are now equally popular. Take care, this stats may be strongly influenced by some buzz effect (some raknings are highly volatile), they do not tell how much code is written in any language. Just an indication of present populartity.

h ttps://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/

Hello dinakarsoma12,

In some respects, Objective-C is already deprecated. Almost all of Apple's examples and the developer community has moved over to Swift, at least as far as internet postings go. There are still lots of people using Objective-C, but no one is doing it in public. Objective-C is still safe to use for the time being. Interface Builder still requires it.

Any latest update for this question please ?

Things have change a little in the 5 years since this thread was last touched but, AFAIK, the only official statement from Apple on this topic is the one I referenced here.

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