ios how to change lock screen and home screen pragramly

ios how to change lock screen and home screen pragramly

Answered by LCS in 25101022

There isn't a way for an app to change the wallpaper settings. Apple doesn't make those settings available, so the only option on an official version of iOS is to save the images so that the user can manually change them in Settings.

Accepted Answer

There isn't a way for an app to change the wallpaper settings. Apple doesn't make those settings available, so the only option on an official version of iOS is to save the images so that the user can manually change them in Settings.

We have found two apps on appstore that can change the wallpapers inside the app。高速浏览器 and 热门壁纸

There is no public API to change the wallpaper. Some apps do slip through the cracks during review - but just because somebody else got away with it does not mean that you will.

in ios7 the app 高速浏览器 don't offer this function,but in ios8 高速浏览器 have this function;how you can be sure there is no public API to change the wallpaper?

LCS is correct, iOS does not offer an API to configure the homescreen and lockscreen wallpaper.

ios how to change lock screen and home screen pragramly