Apple Pay Domain Verification Failed


We are trying to integrate Apple Pay Service in our Website.But we cannot verify our domain with apple ; the verification always showing failed message .The same link is working fine Browser.It would be greatly appreciate it if any one kindly give me some feedback on this problem.



Having the same exact issue...


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I am also getting the same issue.


There are a few reasons domain verification could be failing. Check that your SSL certificate supports TLS 1.2 with one of these cipher suites:








OpenSSL has utilities to check for Cipher suites or your certificate authority should be able to tell you what type of ciphers your certificate is created with.

Also make sure that Apple servers can reach your server to perform domain verification. If required, please allow the following Apple IPs access to your server:

One way to make sure that Apple servers are reaching your domain is to configure the access logs on your server to be as verbose as possible. Then perform the domain verification and ensure that one of these IPs is making it to your server for verification. If there is a failure in reaching your server then the access logs should be able to provide more insight on this.

One other common issue with domain verification is proxies that sit in front of your server. If there is a proxy that your server communicates with and the Apple servers cannot go directly to the server where the domain, this has been known to cause issues as well.

Please note that your domain verification file will expire after 7 days.

Matt Eaton

DTS Engineering, CoreOS

meaton3 at

  • Please note that your domain verification file will expire after 7 days.

    Hi Matt, what does this mean? if we can't verify domain within 7days, we need to download again(which will be new file) and upload again to our server?

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@meaton Hi,

What are current calling IP addresses? We are having an issue with validation and do not see any requests from these addresses above
  • Having the exact same thing. Any luck here with an answer?

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Having same issue. Any idea how we can fix this?