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CoreData iCloud Can't Sync
Only development environment can real sync. But product environment can't sync. And when run my device show this error: CoreData: Already have a mirrored relationship registered for this key: CD_M2M_Event_items:B269B612-37A6-4ED7-9FDB-601E88BF56A8:8DC64E4A-E893-4465-8B21-48CF1C52A4BC <NSCKMirroredRelationship: 0x302bb9950> (entity: NSCKMirroredRelationship; id: 0xa049af3fb0190928 <x-coredata://BEB6E57C-891C-4E71-B92F-7BAA0844913E/NSCKMirroredRelationship/p1747>; data: { cdEntityName = Event; ckRecordID = "B5908A8A-079E-482C-9F2E-1309BF071F0E"; ckRecordSystemFields = nil; isPending = 0; isUploaded = 0; needsDelete = 0; recordName = "B269B612-37A6-4ED7-9FDB-601E88BF56A8"; recordZone = "0xa049af3f6a5909a8 <x-coredata://BEB6E57C-891C-4E71-B92F-7BAA0844913E/NSCKRecordZoneMetadata/p1>"; relatedEntityName = Item; relatedRecordName = "8DC64E4A-E893-4465-8B21-48CF1C52A4BC"; relationshipName = items; }) <decode: bad range for [%@] got [offs:941 len:665 within:0]> And my product core data sync data only to October 24, 2024. The data before October 24 was synchronized normally, Nothing after October 24 is synced.
Nov ’24
Fulfilling a fault in Core Data throws an exception when app is in background
Hi, I have been looking into Core Data crashes happening when the app is in background and fault is fired due to some processing happening within the app. The stack looks like this where the line 5 just accesses a property of the NSManagedObject's subclass. Unfortunately I don't see any additional information about the exception itself. Therefore, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on which exception the NSFaultHandler.m:395 is triggering and why. Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Triggered by Thread: 10 Last Exception Backtrace: 0 CoreFoundation 0x1d15b8e38 __exceptionPreprocess + 164 (NSException.m:202) 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1ca7478d8 objc_exception_throw + 60 (objc-exception.mm:356) 2 CoreData 0x1d8dda27c _PFFaultHandlerLookupRow + 2508 (NSFaultHandler.m:395) 3 CoreData 0x1d8e024e0 _PF_FulfillDeferredFault + 200 (NSFaultHandler.m:915) 4 CoreData 0x1d8eb8f1c _sharedIMPL_pvfk_core + 168 (NSManagedObject_Accessors.m:1198) 5 MyApp 0x103641928 closure #8 in static ChatChannel.create(fromDTO:depth:) + 304 (ChannelDTO.swift:531) At first I was thinking if this could be a case of accessing a deleted object while the context is still referencing it, but does not look like it. At least I can't reproduce it (tried deleting objects using a separate context and even with container but no crash happens). Happy to learn about different cases what could trigger exception with this stack. Notes: Contexts I use are all created with newBackgroundContext method.
Nov ’24
SwiftData - Context missing for optional
I have encountered an issue that when using a ModelActor to sync data in the background, the app will crash if one of the operations is to remove a PersistentModel from the context. This is running on the latest beta of Xcode 16 with visionOS 1.2 as target and in Swift 6 language mode. The code is being executed in a ModelActor. The error is first thrown by: #5 0x00000001c3223280 in PersistentModel.getValue<τ_0_0>(forKey:) () Thread 1: Fatal error: Context is missing for Optional(SwiftData.PersistentIdentifier(id: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifier.ID(url: x-coredata://97AA86BC-475D-4509-9004-D1182ABA1922/Reminder/p303), implementation: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifierImplementation)) func globalSync() async { await fetchAndSyncFolders() let result = await fetchReminders() switch result { case .success(let ekReminders): var localReminders = (try? await fetch(FetchDescriptor<Reminder>())) ?? [] // Handle local reminders with nil ekReminderID by creating new EKReminders for them for reminder in localReminders { if reminder.ekReminderID == nil { await self.createEkReminder(reminder: reminder) } } // Re-fetch local reminders to include newly created EKReminderIDs localReminders = (try? await fetch(FetchDescriptor<Reminder>())) ?? [] var localReminderDict = [String: Reminder]() for reminder in localReminders { if let ekReminderID = reminder.ekReminderID { if let existingReminder = localReminderDict[ekReminderID] { self.delete(model: existingReminder) } else { localReminderDict[ekReminderID] = reminder } } } let ekReminderDict = createReminderLookup(byID: ekReminders) await self.syncReminders(localReminders: Array(localReminderDict.values), localReminderDict: localReminderDict, ekReminderDict: ekReminderDict) // Merge duplicates await self.mergeDuplicates(localReminders: localReminders) save() case .failure(let error): print("Failed to fetch reminders: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }
Jun ’24
[SwiftData] How to use @Query to get the first 7 elements in the list
Maybe I didn't find the relevant instructions. In my code, I only want to get the first 7 elements. At present, my code is as follows: @Query(sort:\Record.date, order: .reverse) private var records:[Record] But I wonder if once the number of records is large, will it affect the efficiency? In View, it is enough for me to count the first 7 elements in records. What should I do?
Nov ’24
[SwiftData] How to get the first 7 elements by using @Query?
Maybe I didn't find the relevant instructions. In my code, I only want to get the first 7 elements. At present, my code is as follows: @Query(sort:\Record.date, order: .reverse) private var records:[Record] But I wonder if once the number of records is large, will it affect the efficiency? In View, it is enough for me to count the first 7 elements in records. What should I do?
Nov ’24
Simple SwiftData app exhibits excessive & persistent memory growth as items are added
[Submitted as FB14860454, but posting here since I rarely get responses in Feedback Assistant] In a simple SwiftData app that adds items to a list, memory usage drastically increases as items are added. After a few hundred items, the UI lags and becomes unusable. In comparison, a similar app built with CoreData shows only a slight memory increase in the same scenario and does NOT lag, even past 1,000 items. In the SwiftData version, as each batch is added, memory spikes the same amount…or even increases! In the CoreData version, the increase with each batch gets smaller and smaller, so the memory curve levels off. My Question Are there any ways to improve the performance of adding items in SwiftData, or is it just not ready for prime time? Example Projects Here are the test projects on GitHub if you want to check it out yourself: PerfSwiftData PerfCoreData
Aug ’24
CloudKit not updating schema and not syncing after schema change
Hi, I'm developing an app for iOS and MacOS with SwiftData and CloudKit syncing. I had sync working very well with a set of models. This schema was also pushed to CloudKit production. Last week I added several models, and several relationship properties linking my existing models to newly added models. The schema updated just fine and everything worked. Then things went sideways: earlier this week I decided I wanted to rename a property on one of my new models. So I renamed the property, removed the application support folder for my local debug app (on Mac OS), removed the app from the iOS Simulator (to clear its local database), and finally reset my CloudKit container to its Production schema. Basically, I tried to go back to the same state I had as when I first added the new models. However, this time things don't go so smoothly, even after starting the app several times, rebooting my machine, turning iCloud on and off in Xcode and MacOS and iOS. When I look in CloudKit console, I see only my old models there: none of the new ones are added. I'd love some pointers on how I can best debug this issue, as I feel completely stuck. On MacOS I have very little mac-logs.txt to go on. Since the logs are a bit lengthy I've added them as an attachment. I get a few warnings, but it is unclear what they are warning me about. One thing that does stand out is that I am running the CloudKit in Development mode here. However, the logs do state accountPartition=Prod . And when I query CKContainer.default() for the container environment, the response is sandbox, which matches Development! On iOS The logs show a few errors, but I cannot make sense of them. error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _performSetupRequest:]_block_invoke(1240): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x600003d09860>: Failed to set up CloudKit integration for store: <NSSQLCore: 0x103325c90> (URL: file:///Users/bastiaan/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/BF847CE5-A3E2-4B4C-8CD5-616B75B29AFE/data/Containers/Data/Application/0A916F67-B9B2-457B-8FA7-8C42819EA9AA/Library/Application%20Support/default.store) <CKError 0x600000c433f0: "Partial Failure" (2/1011); "Failed to modify some record zones"; partial errors: { com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone:__defaultOwner__ = <CKError 0x600000c956b0: "Internal Error" (1/5005); "Couldn't create new PCS blob for zone <CKRecordZoneID: 0x600000c475d0; zoneName=com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone, ownerName=__defaultOwner__>"> }> error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate recoverFromError:](2310): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x600003d09860> - Attempting recovery from error: <CKError 0x600000c433f0: "Partial Failure" (2/1011); "Failed to modify some record zones"; partial errors: { com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone:__defaultOwner__ = <CKError 0x600000c956b0: "Internal Error" (1/5005); "Couldn't create new PCS blob for zone <CKRecordZoneID: 0x600000c475d0; zoneName=com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone, ownerName=__defaultOwner__>"> }> error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _recoverFromPartialError:forStore:inMonitor:]_block_invoke(2773): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x600003d09860>: Found unknown error as part of a partial failure: <CKError 0x600000c956b0: "Internal Error" (1/5005); "Couldn't create new PCS blob for zone <CKRecordZoneID: 0x600000c475d0; zoneName=com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone, ownerName=__defaultOwner__>"> error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _recoverFromPartialError:forStore:inMonitor:](2820): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x600003d09860>: Error recovery failed because the following fatal errors were found: { "<CKRecordZoneID: 0x600000c8fd50; zoneName=com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone, ownerName=__defaultOwner__>" = "<CKError 0x600000c956b0: \"Internal Error\" (1/5005); \"Couldn't create new PCS blob for zone <CKRecordZoneID: 0x600000c475d0; zoneName=com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone, ownerName=__defaultOwner__>\">"; } And in CloudKit logs I see: 06/11/2024, 9:09:59 UTC 738513AC-9326-42DE-B4E2-DA51F6462943 iOS;18.1 ZoneFetch EphemeralGroup { "time":"06/11/2024, 9:09:59 UTC" "database":"PRIVATE" "zone":"com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone" "userId":"_0d9445f850459ec351330ca0fde4134f" "operationId":"611BA98C9B10D3F2" "operationGroupName":"EphemeralGroup" "operationType":"ZoneFetch" "platform":"iPhone" "clientOS":"iOS;18.1" "overallStatus":"USER_ERROR" "error":"ZONE_NOT_FOUND" "requestId":"738513AC-9326-42DE-B4E2-DA51F6462943" "executionTimeMs":"53" "interfaceType":"NATIVE" } Any pointers are greatly appreciated! Bastiaan
Nov ’24
CloudKit error
I'm continually getting an error with a new CloudKit container when I try to save data. error: Couldn't get container configuration from the server for container "iCloud.com.***.***" here's the class: private var db = CKContainer(identifier: "iCloud.com.***.***").privateCloudDatabase func addTask(taskItem: TaskItem) async throws { checkStatus() do { try await db.save(taskItem.record) } catch { print("error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } func checkStatus() { let id = CKContainer(identifier: "iCloud.com.***.***").containerIdentifier print(id ?? "unknown") Task { let status = try await CKContainer(identifier: "iCloud.com.***.***").accountStatus() switch status { case .available: print("available") case .noAccount: print("no account") case .restricted: print("restricted") case .couldNotDetermine: print("could not determine") case .temporarilyUnavailable: print("temporarily unavailable") @unknown default: break } } } The account status reports as available but gives the error on an attempt to save.. I'm trying to work out what I might be doing wrong..
Nov ’24
CloudKit not working on actual iOS device
I've developed an app that contains an inbox that displays message from a CloudKit container. Works perfectly on simulator. Once I tried to run it on a phone..in Xcode debug environment and TestFlight it is unable to complete any transactions with production database. I'm running out of ideas. So far I have tried: Verify settings between debug and release in Signing & Capabilities Add CloudKit.framework to Framework, Libraries, and Embedded Content Verify record and key names verify .entitlements files Please help!
Nov ’24
How to "Keep on My iPhone" after disabling iCloud for my app using Core Data
I have Core Data setup with a NSPersistentCloudKitContainer as my container, I've added a container identifier and I see my data on CloudKit's database here when I use "Act As iCloud Account". Here's what I have under capabilities in Xcode However, on my device when I go to Settings > Apple Account > iCloud > Saved to iCloud and switch off my app, all the data saved to Core Data is removed. I suspected this working as intended. When I switch it back on, all the data comes back. However (x2), the support page here says it should remain on the device: When you turn it off, the app no longer connects with iCloud, so your data exists only on your device Am I missing something in how I integrated Core Data in Xcode? Do I need to explicitly configure something with Apple's SDK to get the behavior described in the support page? I've noticed for some of Apple's apps, when you switch off iCloud there's an action sheet asking what you'd like to do with the local data. I figured this was Apple's magic without sharing especially since the buttons looked different Stocks Safari Contacts However (x3), not all apps that had this option offered "Keep on My iPhone", so perhaps the supported behavior is to remove what's on the device and these Apple apps implemented their own support to keep a copy on the device. Reminders I've tried testing some 3rd-party apps but couldn't convince myself they were using Core Data with iCloud enabled. Instead, it looked like they were using iCloud as a backup
Oct ’24
Core Data CloudKit stops syncing after incomprehensible archive error
Ive been getting this error on an app in the dev environment since iOS16. it continues to happen in the latest iOS release (iOS18). After this error/warning, CoreData_CloudKit stops syncing and the only way to fix it is to delete the app from all devices, reset the CloudKit dev environment, reload the schema and reload all data. im afriad that if I ever go live and get this error in production there won't be a way to fix it given I cant go and reset the production CloudKit environment. It doesn't happen straight away after launching my app in a predictable manner, it can take several weeks to happen. Ive posted about this before here and haven't got a response. I also have a feedback assistant issue submitted in 2022 as part of ios16 beta that is still open: FB10392936 for a similar issue that caused the same error. would like to submit a code level support query but it doest seem to have anything to do with my code - but rather the Apple core data CloudKit syncing mechanism. anyone have any similar issues or a way forward? > error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _requestAbortedNotInitialized:](2200): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x301e884b0> - Never successfully initialized and cannot execute request '<NSCloudKitMirroringImportRequest: 0x3006f5a90> D823EEE6-EFAE-4AF7-AFED-4C9BA708703B' due to error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4864 "*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive (0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d)}
Oct ’24
CKShare different targets
Hello, I`m working on an app that uses CloudKit and CKShare, but the app has 2 different targets, one for professional and one for patients, and theoretically the target of the professional sends the CKShare and the target of the patient should accept, but the ckshare tries to always open the target of the profissional, I would like to know if the are any way to configure the CKShare to oppen the target od the patients
Nov ’24
Simulator won't sync with CloudKit since Xcode 14
I have a few apps that use Core Data & CloudKit to sync data to multiple devices. Everything was fine until I updated to Xcode 14. Now, although the apps work on an actual device, in the simulator, I get errors about "Failed to sync user keys" and it won't sync anything. I haven't changed the code at all. It just suddenly won't work in the simulator. Since it does this for all apps, I have to believe it's something changed with the simulator? 2022-09-13 12:47:26.766223-0400 Time Since[8061:88974] [error] error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _performSetupRequest:]_block_invoke(1134): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x600003b540e0>: Failed to set up CloudKit integration for store: <NSSQLCore: 0x1219071d0> (URL: file:///Users/jon/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/1990772E-CDF1-4A58-B454-E09D327B2182/data/Containers/Data/Application/3314EA95-4D86-4053-84B3-F1523A57E204/Library/Application%20Support/TimeSince.sqlite) <CKError 0x600000cc1e60: "Partial Failure" (2/1011); "Failed to modify some record zones"; partial errors: { com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone:__defaultOwner__ = <CKError 0x600000cc2160: "Internal Error" (1/5000); "Failed to sync user keys"> }>
Sep ’22
SwiftData SchemaMigrationPlan and VersionedSchema not Sendable?
I've just tried to update a project that uses SwiftData to Swift 6 using Xcode 16 beta 1, and it's not working due to missing Sendable conformance on a couple of types (MigrationStage and Schema.Version): struct LocationsMigrationPlan: SchemaMigrationPlan { static let schemas: [VersionedSchema.Type] = [LocationsVersionedSchema.self] static let stages: [MigrationStage] = [] } struct LocationsVersionedSchema: VersionedSchema { static let models: [any PersistentModel.Type] = [ Location.self ] static let versionIdentifier = Schema.Version(1, 0, 0) } This code results in the following errors: error: static property 'stages' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type '[MigrationStage]' may have shared mutable state static let stages: [MigrationStage] = [] ^ error: static property 'versionIdentifier' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'Schema.Version' may have shared mutable state static let versionIdentifier = Schema.Version(1, 0, 0) ^ Am I missing something, or is this a bug in the current seed? I've filed this as FB13862584.
Jun ’24
How are items in CKSyncEngine.State.pendingDatabaseChanges removed after they haven been saved to cloud?
While reading CkSyncEngine demo project code, I don't find the code to remove items in syncEngine.state.pendingRecordZoneChanges explicitly. I suspect it might occur in two possible places: nextRecordZoneChangeBatch() or ``nextRecordZoneChangeBatch()`, but I can't figure out how it occurs. nextRecordZoneChangeBatch() has the following code: let batch = await CKSyncEngine.RecordZoneChangeBatch(pendingChanges: changes) { recordID in if let contact = contacts[recordID.recordName] { let record = contact.lastKnownRecord ?? CKRecord(recordType: Contact.recordType, recordID: recordID) contact.populateRecord(record) return record } else { // We might have pending changes that no longer exist in our database. We can remove those from the state. syncEngine.state.remove(pendingRecordZoneChanges: [ .saveRecord(recordID) ]) return nil } } (I'll ignore the syncEngine.state.remove(pendingRecordZoneChanges:) in the else clause, because it's unrelated) Could it be that CKSyncEngine.RecordZoneChangeBatch.init(pendingChanges:,recordProvider:) automatically remove a CKRecord when the recordProvider: closure returns a non-nil value? I checked its document, but it doesn't say anything about this. Thanks for any help.
Nov ’24
A question on account change handler code in CKSyncEngine demo project
I have a quesiton on .accountChange handler code in CKSyncEngine demo project. Below is the code in handleAccountChange(): if shouldDeleteLocalData { try? self.deleteLocalData() // This error should be handled, but we'll skip that for brevity in this sample app. } if shouldReUploadLocalData { let recordZoneChanges: [CKSyncEngine.PendingRecordZoneChange] = self.appData.contacts.values.map { .saveRecord($0.recordID) } self.syncEngine.state.add(pendingDatabaseChanges: [ .saveZone(CKRecordZone(zoneName: Contact.zoneName)) ]) self.syncEngine.state.add(pendingRecordZoneChanges: recordZoneChanges) } IMHO, when user switches account, the most important thing is to reload data from the new account's document folder. However, I can't see this is done anywhere. In above code, if shouldDeleteLocalData is false, self.appData would still hold the previous account's local data. That seems very wrong. Am I missing something? It would be best if iOS restarts all applications when user switches account. If that's not the case (I guess so, otherwise there is no point to handle .accountChange in the app), I think application should implement an API to re-initialize itself. EDIT: after looking at the code again, I realize that the following code makes sure shouldDeleteLocalData is always true when user switching accounts. So the code doesn't leak the previous account's data, though I still think it has an issue - it doesn't load the new account's data. case .switchAccounts: shouldDeleteLocalData = true shouldReUploadLocalData = false
Oct ’24
iCloud Documents + UIDocumentBrowserViewController
Our app is a document-based app that uses UIDocumentBrowserViewController. We are facing an issue when the user is creating a new document on iOS/iPadOS when in the “Recents” tab (as opposed to the “Browse” tab). Specifically, the document is saved to a hidden ubiquity container. As a result, the user cannot find the file in the document browser. It also does not appear in “Recents”. The expected behaviour would be a folder with our app's icon on it on the user’s iCloud Drive, which contains the files the user creates when in the “Recents” tab. This issue started to happen when we introduced a new feature that uses iCloud Documents with its own ubiquity container. I'm not sure how UIDocumentBrowserViewController handled saving documents to a default location on iCloud Drive before we had the iCloud Documents entitlement enabled. All I know is that there were no issues. How to recreate the issue: Create a document-based app with UIDocumentBrowserViewController. Run the app and create a document while in the recents tab with iCloud enabled. The document will be stored to a folder on iCloud. Now, enable iCloud Documents and specify a ubiquity container. Then, try to create documents in the Recents tab. The location in which the documents are created cannot be navigated to.
Oct ’24
Importing Data into SwiftData in the Background Using ModelActor and @Query
I have an app with fairly typical requirements - I need to insert some data (in my case from the network but could be anything) and I want to do it in the background to keep the UI responsive. I'm using SwiftData. I've created a ModelActor that does the importing and using the debugger I can confirm that the data is indeed being inserted. On the UI side, I'm using @Query and a SwiftUI List to display the data but what I am seeing is that @Query is not updating as the data is being inserted. I have to quit and re-launch the app in order for the data to appear, almost like the context running the UI isn't communicating with the context in the ModelActor. I've included a barebones sample project. To reproduce the issue, tap the 'Background Insert' button. You'll see logs that show items being inserted but the UI is not showing any data. I've tested on the just released iOS 18b3 seed (22A5307f). The sample project is here: https://hanchor.s3.amazonaws.com/misc/SwiftDataBackgroundV2.zip
Jul ’24