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Monitor ratings and reviews

Reset an app overview rating

iOS macOS tvOS

You can reset your app's overview rating when you release a new app version on the App Store. Your App Store product page will display a message stating that the app's overview rating was recently reset, until enough users rate the new version and a new overview rating appears. You can view the reset date in the Distribution tab under Ratings and Reviews.

Note: Once you release the new version of your app, you won’t be able to restore the previous rating.

Ratings are reset globally, not by individual country or region. Keep in mind that when you reset your overview rating, it won’t apply to written customer reviews, which will continue to display on the App Store.

For universal apps on the App Store, the reset only applies to the platform version that you reset your rating for. You can’t reset the rating of app bundles.

Required role: Admin or App Manager. View role permissions.

  1. From Apps, select your app.

  2. In the sidebar, click the app version you want to submit.

  3. In the Reset Overview Rating section, select Reset rating when this version is released.

  4. Click save.

    After you submit your app for review, your app's overview rating will reset on the App Store when the version is released.