Upcoming App Store Price Changes

When taxes or foreign exchange rates change, we sometimes need to update prices on the App Store. Starting today, prices on the App Store (excluding auto renewable subscriptions) will increase in Pakistan, Colombia, and Taiwan. The increases consider tax changes:

    • Colombia: A 19% Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced on January 1, 2019. Apple will administer the collection of taxes from customers and the remittance of taxes to the appropriate tax authorities.
    • Taiwan: A 3% Corporate Income Tax (CIT) applicable to a portion of the sales price was introduced. Local tax regulations now require app developers based in Taiwan to provide their taxpayer identification number (TIN) to Apple. If you file taxes in Taiwan, please submit your TIN in App Store Connect to ensure your payments from Apple are processed correctly.

To submit your TIN:

 1.  On the App Store Connect homepage, click Agreements, Tax, and Banking.
 2.  In the Agreements section next to Paid Apps, click Set Up Tax, Banking, and Contacts.
 3.  Under the Tax Forms section, click Set Up Taiwanese Tax Forms.
 4.  Enter your Tax Identification Number.
 5.  Click Submit.

You can change the price of your apps and in-app purchases (including subscriptions) at any time in App Store Connect. For subscriptions, you have the option to preserve prices for existing subscribers. Your proceeds will be adjusted to account for the tax changes.

Once this change goes into effect, the Pricing and Availability section of My Apps will be updated.