Explore CloudKit

App icon display a cloud outline,  inside of a speech bubble.

CloudKit is the secure, convenient, and reliable cloud database behind your apps. Learn how to adopt new features in CloudKit that allow your apps to share data between multiple people with iCloud accounts, and find out how encrypt record fields. We'll show you how to declare your schema with ease, and update container configurations on the fly before running your tests. Lastly, discover new ways of interacting with your containers through CloudKit Console.

  • WWDC21

What's new in CloudKit

  • WWDC21

Automate CloudKit tests with cktool and declarative schema

  • WWDC21

Meet CloudKit Console

  • WWDC21

Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data



Managing iCloud Containers with the CloudKit Database App

Integrating a Text-Based Schema into Your Workflow