June 25, 2020
Welcome to day four of WWDC. We hope you’re rested and ready to learn more about the latest Apple technologies and frameworks, because we’ve got a lot to share with you.
Even more machine learning
Start your Thursday off with a little movement and discover how Apple engineers built the Action & Vision app using Create ML and the Vision framework. And that’s not all in the realm of machine learning: Check out how you can train models in minutes that make it easy to bring creative visual features to your app, or explore how you can leverage the Natural Language framework to better analyze and understand text.
Explore the Action & Vision app
Build Image and Video Style Transfer models in Create ML
Make apps smarter with Natural Language
Step into SwiftUI apps
Even more SwiftUI today: Discover how to display detailed data in SwiftUI apps and learn how to build document-based apps entirely in SwiftUI.
Build document-based apps in SwiftUI
Stacks, Grids, and Outlines in SwiftUI
Playground playtime
Explore how you can build your very own Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac, and learn how you can use a playground to prototype SwiftUI views.
Create Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac
Build a SwiftUI view in Swift Playgrounds
Swift deep dive
Take your understanding of Swift to the next level. Find out how Swift uses type inference to help you write clean, concise code without compromising type safety. Get to know Swift Numerics, a new Swift package for computational mathematics. And discover what exactly makes code “unsafe” as we take a look at the programming language’s safety precautions — and when you might need to reach for unsafe operations.
Explore numerical computing in Swift
Embrace Swift type inference
Unsafe Swift
... And more
Check out the full list of sessions releasing today.