Meet Metal Rendering and Compute

Discover how to optimize your graphics and compute pipelines for top-tier performance. Learn about the latest updates to Metal for high-end games, ray tracing, image processing, and machine learning, harness new developer tools and workflows, and find out how to take advantage of Apple silicon.

Optimize high-end games for Apple GPUs

Go behind the scenes to see how a high-end game used Xcode and Metal to identify bottlenecks, optimize shaders, improve memory bandwidth usage, and reduce frame times.

Optimize high-end games for Apple GPUs

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Enhance your app with Metal ray tracing

Explore the latest improvements in implementing ray tracing to achieve more detailed and photorealistic 3D scenes in your apps and games.

Enhance your app with Metal ray tracing

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Explore hybrid rendering with Metal ray tracing

Understand the tools and techniques to combine ray tracing with your rasterization engine and elevate the visuals in your app or game.

Explore hybrid rendering with Metal ray tracing

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Explore bindless rendering in Metal

Learn how bindless rendering enhances raytracing and other modern rendering techniques by making your entire scene and resources available to the GPU.

Explore bindless rendering in Metal

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Optimize for variable refresh rate displays

Learn how to take advantage of Adaptive Sync displays on macOS and explore best practices for achieving smooth screen updates on Apple platforms that support dynamic display timing.

Optimize for variable refresh rate displays

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Discover compilation workflows in Metal

Get details about Metal compilation workflows that enable your apps to render stunning visuals while maintaining a flexible and extensible shader development pipeline.

Discover compilation workflows in Metal

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Discover Metal debugging, profiling, and asset creation tools

Understand the powerful Metal tools in Xcode 13 which take the debugging, profiling and asset creation workflows for your apps to the next level.

Discover Metal debugging, profiling, and asset creation tools

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Accelerate machine learning with Metal Performance Shaders Graph

Discover how MPSGraph provides a powerful engine to accelerate linear algebra, machine learning, computer vision, and image processing, all with only a few lines of code.

Accelerate machine learning with Metal Performance Shaders Graph

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Create image processing apps powered by Apple Silicon

Take advantage of Apple's unique tile based deferred renderer architecture in your image processing apps and learn how to attain maximum performance when migrating compute based apps from discrete GPUs to Apple Silicon.

Create image processing apps powered by Apple silicon

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Explore Core Image kernel improvements

Learn the steps and build rules to add custom Metal-based Core Image kernels into your app and understand the benefits of using Metal stitchable functions and dynamic library features.

Explore Core Image kernel improvements

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