Check out the latest App Store feature videos

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The App Store provides a wealth of tools, resources, and features you can use to help people discover and engage with your app or game. Check out a few of the latest videos we've put together to help you get the most out of your App Store product pages, in-app events, and subscriptions.

Explore in-app events

In-app events are timely events within apps and games such as game competitions, movie premieres, live-streamed experiences, and more. On iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 and later, in-app events appear on your App Store product page, in search results, and in editorially curated selections and personalized recommendations. This can help you encourage new people to download your app, keep current users interested, or bring back people who haven’t engaged with your app recently.

Learn more about the in-app events feature and get recommendations, tips, and best practices for helping people discover content or events within your app.

In-App Events

Create custom product pages

Did you know you can create additional versions of your App Store product page on iOS and iPadOS 15? With custom product pages, you can showcase different features or content within your app. For example, you might highlight a particular sport, character, show, or gameplay feature or even seasonal or culturally relevant content. Each custom product page can include screenshots, promotional text, and app previews that are different from those on your default product page. You share each custom product page with different audiences through unique URLs.

Discover how you can set up custom product pages in App Store Connect and measure their performance in App Analytics as well as strategies for success.

Get started with custom product pages

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Custom Product Pages Overview

Optimize your product page

With product page optimization, you can test different elements of your App Store product page to understand which resonate with people most. Alternate versions of your product page, called “treatments” in App Store Connect, are shown to a percentage of people on iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 or later, who are selected at random. You can view and compare how each treatment performs against your original product page and use this insight to optimize your product page, including applying the elements of a better performing treatment to your product page.

Find out how you can use product page optimization to make your App Store product page even more relevant and effective. You’ll also learn more about the setup process in App Store Connect; how to test different app icons, screenshots, and app previews; and testing strategies to help you get started.

Get started with product page optimization

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Product Page Optimization Overview

Discover custom offer codes for subscriptions

Offer codes can help you acquire, retain, and win back subscribers by providing an auto-renewable subscription at a discount or for free for a limited time. You can create two types of offer codes — one-time-use codes and custom codes — and distribute them through online or offline channels.

Learn about offer codes for subscriptions, including the latest enhancements to offer codes, how to set up custom offer code campaigns, implementation tips, best practices, and more. We’ll also review how can complement your existing offer codes campaigns with custom codes to provide even more flexibility to acquire and retain subscribers.

Get started with custom offer codes

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Providing Subscription Offers

Optimize subscriptions for success

Looking to optimize your app’s subscription strategy? Start here and explore subscriber acquisition strategies, implementation best practices, and how to integrate these processes into your app for success.

Optimize subscriptions for success: acquisition

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Auto-renewable Subscriptions